Think back to a time where you had the chance of a new beginning or a fresh start. How did you feel? Nervous? Excited? Anxious? Scared? For me, it was a mixture of emotions for my freshman year of college. The first week of classes can be one of the most frightening things ever, especially on a college campus. Fortunately for me, my school has only about 1,400 students, so I didn't feel like a tiny, invisible ant.
Every year during the start of the school year, my school has a retreat that happens after the first week of classes for the freshman class and new transfer students. The retreat is called Beginnings Retreat for obvious reasons: to start off the year by meeting and getting to know your new classmates. I went on retreats in high school, but this retreat was different. I thought the retreat came at the right time. You've finished your first week of college. How do you feel? Did anything surprise you? Yes, my small group leader asked us those questions, but then things became serious. The questions became deeper and more thought-provoking. What is your purpose here on campus? What gifts do you have to offer? What will separate yourself from everyone else?
Honestly, these questions were hard because I had only been in college for a week! I had no clue what my purpose was at that time! Now, a year later, I'm starting to understand why those questions were asked, and I'm starting to solidify my purpose. If you don't begin to wonder what your purpose in life is, then the things that you do have no meaning. Beginnings Retreat taught me to step out of my comfort zone, meet new people, and get involved.
This year, I had the amazing opportunity to be staff at the Beginnings Retreat as a small group leader. It's crazy to think that just a year ago, I was a timid freshman who had no clue what to expect. I saw myself in each and everyone of my group members. I was open with them and was able to tell them about my fears that I experienced during my first week of school. A lot of the students felt the same way. I was there to reassure them and also to ask those hard questions to get them to start thinking about the present and the future.
The memories made on Beginnings Retreat will last forever. Many acquaintances and friendships were made. A lot of advice was given about how to deal with roommates, time-management, and academics. I was able to connect with many members of the freshman class and to share my person experiences and struggles with them. We laughed, danced, and ate together like one big family. I hope to continue staffing Beginnings Retreat until I graduate from my beloved college. Peace and blessings this school year to the freshmen class!