A comparison is one of the main leads to low self-esteem. As humans, we cannot help but observe others. We cannot help but feel the need to conform to the people around us. When men drool over young, attractive women who have large breasts and butts, those who do not apply to this tend to feel out of place and insecure. Women tend to be attracted to men with large, broad shoulders and rock-hard abs. Men love a flexible, talented and successful woman. Women love a strong man who can handle his testosterone. But here's a secret: Not all of us can live up to society's ridiculous and unrealistic standards.
Just stop comparing yourself. Stop doing it. Stop watching those makeup tutorials that encourage you to believe you need a $60 lipstick. Stop envying those girls' pictures in bikinis with 150 likes on Facebook. Guys, don't stare at the guy across the gym benching more than you and stop envying at your ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend with a six-pack. Stop watching these rich 20-somethings with fancy cars, a spouse, children and a huge mansion of a home. Stop looking at "relationship goals" and a boyfriend buying his girl $700 worth of Victoria Secret stuff. Stop because you are hurting yourself. You are causing yourself to look down on yourself for not having what they do. It's not real.
Guess what: Not everyone is an Olympian, body builder, model, dancer, singer, instrumentalist, lawyer, doctor, or educator. There is only one you. And if you aren't being you, then you aren't doing your job. God created you because the world needs you, whether you believe it or not. You have your whole life to become the person you were meant to be, so don't let other people influence you.
There are no rules to being you. Unless you consider "being you" a rule -- then be you. That's it. That's all you have to do. Being you is the best thing you can do for yourself. Love yourself. Accept yourself. Appreciate you like God appreciates you. If you do not conform to societies expectations, you are able to live like the unique individual you are.
No one says you have to have that .7 hip-to-waist ratio that was proven to attract men. No one even says men have to like you. And if they do -- they like you for you. "Do you even lift, bro?" You can say "no" because no one says you have to. No one says you have to be in a relationship. No one says you have to go to college. No one says you have to get married and have children. Do whatever you want and whatever makes you happy. You don't have to be a cute, tiny female that everyone stares at. Enjoy being nerdy, clumsy, ditsy. Stop hiding your laugh and stop trying to act "normal."
As humans, we create the very social norms we attempt to adapt to. So when you live against them, you are re-creating that social norm. If everyone stopped trying so hard to be something they are not, people would not be categorized nor would there be stereotypes. Stop stressing yourself and bringing yourself down because you do not reach the standards society creates.
You do not have to be extremely intelligent, talented, skinny, thick, tattooed, buff, successful. You just have to be you. Try to picture if everyone looked the same. Seems a little ridiculous, don't you think? Everyone in line at the grocery store would either be a guy with huge arms, wide shoulders and a narrow waist or a blonde, tan female with insanely large breasts, perky butt and a thin waist. It's ridiculous.
Love yourself. That's the only rule to ever think of when being you. Stop comparing yourself to society, because society is man made. Society is a scam -- don't let it fool you. We created it. It's not real.
If God thinks so much more of you, then you should also. Don't waste your whole life pretending. Don't waste your whole life trying to reach a goal that can never be fulfilled. You cannot be someone else, and you shouldn't desire to be someone else. When you don't truly love yourself, no one can truly love you. God created you to be you, don't try to change God's plan. Stop being so hard on yourself and live in your own peace. Be weird, be different, and be you. Love yourself.