I want to start off by saying sorry to my parents.
During the summer between 8th and 9th grade I expressed an interest to my parents that I wanted to learn how to play guitar and during the latter half of that summer, I was surprised with a brand new acoustic guitar. Little did they know, I wanted to learn how to play guitar to become famous and to win over the heart of Miley Cyrus. After stumbling upon an episode of Hannah Montana, my 8th/9th grade thinking was that if I could become a famous musician, then I could eventually make my way into Miley’s world, be it as a guest star on her TV show or at some awards show. So I took to the computer with my new guitar and searched YouTube video after YouTube video for “how to” videos for playing guitar. After learning some chords, I looked at websites with the top 100 songs to play, and I would sit there in my room strumming as best as I could while singing to these songs.
After about a month and a half of this, I dropped my crush on Miley and playing guitar became a lot more fun. I became more relaxed and I eventually began writing a few songs which were never good, but I had fun. I tried my hand at finger picking the strings but would never try long enough to get past my frustrations with the delicate and intricate movements, but strumming I could handle.
It has been around eight years now since I learned to play guitar and I can still hold my own with strumming a few simple chords, and I realized something. Had it not been for Miley, I probably never would’ve learned how to play guitar and with that thought, I realized that there is so much we can do when we have a reason. I’m not going to tie the laces of my shoe when I am not wearing my shoe, but I will tie my shoe laces when the shoe is on my foot because I need them tied to keep the shoes to my feet.
With a reason, we have purpose and that becomes our driving force to doing things, and honestly even though the route to me learning to play guitar is silly, it worked. So if you have a reason to do something, to try something new or learn something, go for it. No matter how silly or small it may be, go for it.