The Untimely Struggle Between Your Head and Heart | The Odyssey Online
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The Untimely Struggle Between Your Head and Heart

The battle you just can't seem to win.

The Untimely Struggle Between Your Head and Heart
Ashley DeBoer

“It’s a marathon, not a sprint.” I’m constantly reminded how things take time, that patience is a virtue and that this life is a long haul, but with triumph, dedication and a whole lot of consideration, it can be rewarding and satisfying.

Isn’t that a mouthful and sounds basically rehearsed or as if I copy and pasted it off of some sort of motivation blog?

Well no, I did not, but it seems more relevant than ever because sometimes unfamiliar, but comforting feelings start to trickle and all of a sudden, your mind begins to create this wild fantasy filled with possibilities and wonderment, and unfortunately, an overwhelming amount of inconsistencies with real life.

That’s where I get lost — between what is, and what I wish was.

So here’s a bit how my mind works on the concept — I can manifest what I want and shoot my shot for various opportunities and connections, but that doesn’t always mean it’ll become my reality. People are allowed to reject you, bosses don’t have to hire you, things can at times fall through, so we can chalk it up to either wrong person, wrong time, or it just wasn't meant to be, but the truth is, those undeniable truths don’t make it feel that much better while experiencing those brittle feelings.

In the process of it all, I stand gridlocked between my heart and my head.

Do I follow my heart?

Do I listen to that annoying voice inside my head, trying to whip me back into reality?

What will be the best thing to do in the long-run to bring me the most happiness, peace of mind, fulfillment? In between all the questions flying out, I stop, put my universe on pause.

When I’m in a battle between my heart and my mind, I rely heavily on Godly patience and signs that will pull me in the right direction because it’s common knowledge that anything worth having is never easy, and most beautiful things take time to bloom.

So, maybe the best thing to do is just have faith that the right thing will fall together and the answers will arise in due time.

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