Ohio Cities As Told By Alcohol
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Ohio Cities As Told By Alcohol

Cleveland is totally Fireball.

Ohio Cities As Told By Alcohol

Alcohol is a great stress reliever and a great way to have a fun during any time of the week. we drink to celebrate, to relax, and for many other reasons. Ohio has huge cities within it that love to have a little fun and drink. Alcohol can sometimes be compared to cities. Is your city on the list?

1. Columbus: Jose Cuervo Tequila

Just like the saying one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, FLOO. You will be hitting the floor with all of this walking you have to do from each part of this city. Even walking across Ohio State's Campus will make you want to fall to the floor and just stop walking.

2. Cleveland: Fireball

Cleveland is described as Fireball for all the action that is always happening in downtown. There is basketball (let's not forget the warriors blew a 3-1 lead), baseball, football, hockey, art museums, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and the endless fun. The Cleveland fan base can be described as firecrackers which goes hand in hand with Fireball. Cleveland's fans are the truest fans out there.

3. Cincinnati: Jägermeister

Cincinnati's culture is strongly influenced by its history and German and Irish immigrants. Here is a major place for immigrants because of the border and how big the city is. Also, Octoberfest Zinzinnati is held here. A fest where German beer and liquor is all the rage.

4. Toledo: Hennessy

Toledo has since become a city with an art community, auto assembly businesses, education, healthcare, and local sports teams. The city's glass industry has earned it the nickname, "The Glass City".Toledo is the 89th most dangerous and crime ridden city out of 100 in America. In movies, criminals are drinking Hennessy and enjoying what they are doing. This is their celebratory drink for not getting caught.

5. Akron: Jack Daniels

Akron is known as the rubber city and the city of invention. Workers love a good Jack and Coke after a hard days work of inventing things and for beating the heat of their hard working conditions.

6. Dayton: Budweiser

Also in 2010, Dayton was named one of the best places in the United States for college graduates to find a job. Who doesn't love to celebrate with a well-deserved beer. In Ohio, Budweiser is a pretty commonly known beer that is drank for all occasions.

7. Parma: Martinis

Located on the southern edge of Cleveland, it is both an inner-ring and the largest suburb of Cleveland. It is also known for its extensive agricultural aspects. Back when it was first built it was very stuck on being agricultural and now people still stick to this. There are many gardens and different types of things locals build in their own backyards. Some people are describing Parma as becoming more "classy". This is why Parma receives one of the classiest drink options which are martinis.

8. Canton: Rum

Canton is known for its being involved with service economy, including retailing, education, finance and healthcare. Within Canton are some great healthcare providers and doctors. INTERESTING FACT: because of how stressed doctors are, they are usually drunk (and abusing alcohol) or on unprescribed drugs when walking into work and being in the operating room. WHAT!!! That is crazy! Rum is very high in alcoholic percentage so doctors can have a shot and go.

9. Youngstown: Red Wine

Extensive coverage of Youngstown's economic challenges has overshadowed the city's long entrepreneurial tradition. A number of products and enterprises introduced in Youngstown later became national household names. Some names include Schwebel's Bakery, Handle's Ice Cream, and Arby's. Youngstown brought in a great deal of business and economic growth for Ohio. This is why Youngstown gets named as wine. Celebrating success comes with a well-deserved glass of wine.

10. Lorain: Kamchatka

Lorain's poverty national average is at 27%. This I why Lorain is described as "shitty k" or otherwise known as its formal name Kamchatka. This type of alcohol is cheap and does the job. Drinking it straight will make you feel how you look if you are under the poverty line, poor.

Alcohol can be used to celebrate any time of occasion. Alcohol can make us do crazy things. Cities are sometimes just like alcohol. The people and the atmosphere reflect how alcohol can make one act.

BONUS: Ohio as Seasonal drinks

Summer: Mike's Hard

Fall: Four loko football season has us feeling a little risky and hyped for football season

Winter: Red wine with a side of fireplace (or space heater) and christmas Ale

Spring: Beer on the patio/deck to bring in the warm weather

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