Confessions Of A Writer | The Odyssey Online
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Confessions Of A Writer

Top three realizations I've faced as a writer.

Confessions Of A Writer

Ever wanted to kick yourself until it hurt? Well, that's how I've been feeling lately. I'm only human, I know that I'm not perfect, but sometimes I just get so mad at myself that I could just kick myself until it hurt. In case you're wondering why I would unleash a world wind of violence (and to be honest, quite a record breaking feat) upon myself, I've constructed a short list to explain just why I would love to kick myself.

1. I Hate Writer's Block and It Hates Me

Disagree with me if you want, but there's no way to stop it. It slithers its way through the smallest crevices of your mind and threatens to overtake you. Noone is safe from its evil clutches and if you happen to stumble upon this venomous creature, this number one big honcho, top-level succubus, there's only one thing to do; try and tame the beast. The biggest annoyance and hair puller for me is writer's block. It creeps up from seemingly, nowhere and threatens to take over my sanity. It serves as a locked door or mental dam, blocking the flow of amazing creative juices from flowing. I know that if I just calm down, do other things and relax it will go away, and I can carry on writing my fabulously entertaining articles as usual, but sometimes, I admit, it's hard to shake the funk that it puts me in. I tell you, sometimes being a writer feels like a curse, but let's save that for number three of my confessions of a writer.

2. Perfectionism Clouds My Focus

I admit that I do have an issue with perfection. I've been through this mentally as a writer and I consider myself a reasonably well-adjusted person; I know there's no such thing as perfection; I prove that to myself countless times, but it doesn't stop me from wishing that it was an attainable standard. The unrealistic desire to want to be perfect does take a toll on my craft and places a weight on me, that at times, can feel overwhelming, suffocating and turn my life (well my workflow) upside down.

3. It Feels Like A Beautiful Curse

Like I said earlier, being a writer at times feels like a curse. The constant need to develop stories, share ideas and at times critic other bodies of work does take a toll on one's psyche. Let's take fictional writers or example, they go through their daily lives with imaginary characters, settings, and story plots all crammed inside their head. Writers love their stories, whether they're short fictional pieces, stage plays, or poetry, they treat them like their babies and only want the best for them.

Just like real parents, they also want to show their babies off to the world. Writers, like parents, know that their babies aren't perfect, but they can't seem to stop from wanting to share their masterpieces.

Yes being a writer is a curse indeed, you must learn to juggle fantasy and reality while going through the normalcy of life. You must also accept the fact that not everyone will love what you create as much as you do or even care enough to read it at all. Writers have the constant need to create, and the eternal drive to communicate with others in ways that they've never done before. The creator must constantly find new effective ways to communicate an idea or magically recreate an imagined world for others to experience as well, this challenging obstacle alone can sometimes make the life of a writer agonizing.

No one said that a writer's journey would be easy but the satisfaction and joy that I receive from it is well worth the temporary pain.

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14. You will try to go to the gym... but you will get too lazy at some point.

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16. You will try to convince yourself that you can handle everything.

17. Finals week will try to kill you.

18. You won't like everyone, but you will find your best friends sooner or later.

19. You actually have to go to class.

20. Enjoy it, because you will be sad when it is all over.

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