I have had pets my entire life. From dogs to birds to hamsters to fish- my family has experienced the crazy life that comes with pet ownership. Just recently, after going years without any such beasts in our midst after the passing of our sweet, loyal dog, my family adopted two domestic house cats. Rex and Sugar are brother and sister, so we are told. They are technically speaking a great pair of cats, but our family's experience with them, as many cat owners know, has been anything but normal.
I have learned quite a few things about having cats and can confirm many of the stereotypes that accompany these creatures as well. Let me start off by saying that cats literally sleep 95% of their time while on earth. I have gotten concerned about my cats' lifestyle choices but then realize that that is just what they do. They are lazy little turd muffins. There are so many times I find myself wishing I could be them.
I once read that cats view humans as stupid subordinates that just happen to provide them with food and shelter, possibly explaining the often nonchalant and selective attitudes of cats towards their humans (and let's get this straight- we are theirs). Now, this may vary for different cats. My two cats are generally very affectionate, but I know some can be complete demons.
Nothing can get in the way of feeding time for these kitties of mine. Especially Sugar- she's kind of a pig. They will start pacing around with their tails sticking straight up in the air. And this may be kind of cute if you have a single cat. But with two... Sometimes I start imagining that there are like 40 cats meowing and circling in my dining room and then it turns into the feline version of The Birds.
One time, Sugar got a bladder infection, which is fairly common for cats. But the thing is, when cats get bladder infections they must find the most comfortable place to urinate. Guess where these places tend to be? Beds... human beds. So after multiple washes later, we finally figured out what was wrong and took her to the vet. She's doing fine now but still doesn't quite know how to ask to go the bathroom sometimes. This is so weird to me after having a dog. They know when to go and where to go. Cats are a little more particular.
And why the kneading? Why do cats feel the need to knead? I had never experienced this weird practice with any other cats I had owned. One time Rex spent like 15 minutes kneading each corner of my bed only to lay down right in the middle, where no paws had touched. It's SO weird.
There is a specific time at night where my cats start to get wild eyes (cat people know what I'm talking about). They are nocturnal after all! My mom says this is when they need to start playing and hunting, turning into little lions. A couple good strings do the trick for my kitties.
But even in all their oddness and sometimes aggravated nature, I can confirm that cats make some good pets, especially my sweet Sugar and Rex. Pets like these really do have this interesting affect on families. Many times our topics of conversation revolve around what Rex caught and placed as a gift on the porch last night, or whether Sugar ate not only her food but also her brother's. They can often be a positive diversion from the stresses of actual life; I mean, after all theirs is pretty darn good. The biggest thing I've come to realize is that in all my cats' quirks and oddities, they are mine, and I love them! Even if they make life a little more strange.