This semester has flown by like crazy and with its ending, we have hurdled into the least anticipated part of the year: finals week.
After all this time wasted watching Facebook videos during class, the inevitable week of exams has become a reality.
The stress of exam week comes in many stages, and what better way to list those stages than in Harry Potter terms? Whether you just started this agonizing process or are currently in the middle of exams and paper writing, you can probably relate to some of these finals feels.
Stage One: Shock
Since when is there only a week of semester left!? And where did all my dining points go??!
Stage Two: Denial
Pretend like it's not happening and it won't.
Stage 3: Procrastination
Anything but studying.
Stage 4: Studying, finally
Stage 5: Alternative to studying
Stress-eating is real, guysAnd when stressed, anything edible can find its way to your mouth.
Remember: Finals week is judgement-free time.
Stage 6: Confusion
The professor hands out the study guides and you realize you don't recognize half the things on it.Stage 7: Severe confusion
When you begin studying and have no idea what any of it means. You start to wonder if anyone else in the class has a clue
Stage 8: Finally understanding
Stage 9: Initiative
When you're working on a group project for the final and you have to keep your group mates in line.Stage 10: Stress
Basically feeling like death the entire week.See you soon, Dumbledore, right after failing this Chem final.
Stage 11: Sleep deprivation
Stage 12: Nerves
Stage 13: Resolution
You’ve done the best you could, now it’s up to the fates.
Hey, if things don’t work out maybe you can just join a secret society and fight evil instead of doing college. The Order of the Phoenix takes dropouts, right? (Hi, Hagrid.)
Stage 14: Triumph
Knowing you totally aced an exam:
Stage 15: When you don't Triumph...
Oh well, time to watch Netflix and pretend tests don't exist.
Stage 16: Acceptance
Maybe you passed, maybe you didn’t, in the end, effort is what counts right? Nothing says “ I tried” like pulling an all-nighter to study… Or maybe it's nothing says, “I tired” like pulling an all nighter. Either way you tried and you tried.
Stage 17, the last stage: CELEBRATION
You've finished your last final and now you're ready to let loose!
Bring on the party!
There's no better feeling than not having class and finals anymore
Enjoy the summer!