School’s finally over and the weather is getting warmer! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and we’re all ready for summer vacation. All those months cooped up at school and talking about "wishing for summer break to come faster" as well as all those things that will be done will finally become a reality. Most of us will go to the beach, catch up with some old friends, go on a trip, etc., but there is only so much we can do before we get bored. What about all those other days we don’t have plans and have nothing to do?
We all know what’s going to happen on those days, and if you don’t, here’s an idea.
1. You sleep in till the afternoon.
You might have stayed up late the night before and since you don't have any plans, you didn't set an alarm. Well, there goes half your day, but its OK.
2. You hit up some friends who don’t reply till really late.
You've already wasted half your day, so you're thinking, "I should do something," like hang out with your friends. You've done your part in sending the message, so now you just wait.
But sometimes they don't reply till after the party's over.
3. Eat.
If you don't eat when you're bored, you are a liar. Everyone eats when they're bored and have food at home, especially junk food.
4. You say you're going to go on a diet afterwards, but...
It happens to all of us.
5. Sleep some more (maybe in a different location).
You can either look like this...
or like this...
Either way, the couch looks super comfortable.
6. Go on Facebook and look at all the fun stuff your friends are doing.
You wish you could be with them instead of lazing around your house in your pajamas.
6. Comment "TFTI" on all of them.
Yup. You are going to be that bitter person that tries to guilt your friends by commenting this lighthearted phrase on their pictures, even though you actually mean it, but said it as if you were just joking.
That sounds confusing, let me explain with this dialogue:
*In italics is what is going on in your head
You: TFTI (How could you not invite me? I thought we were friends. This just means I'm not close enough to you. Am I not good enough to be your friend? Ya'll are mad fake.)
Friend: Oh sorry, next time!
You: I'm just kidding, LOL! (But you better or else I will flip sh*t.)
7. Repeat Steps 4 & 5, but on...
Please, don't be that person.
8. But then again, it might have been you that didn't reply to their invites in the first place.
Maybe you were, let's say, sleeping in till the afternoon?
9. Binge on Netflix/K-dramas.
I mean, what else are you going to do?
10. You get yelled at by your parents for staying at home.
"Why are you so lazy?"
"Why don't you go out like everybody else?"
"Where are your friends?"
I can never tell if it's a good or bad thing that I'm at home for once.
11. There is also, on occasion, getting yelled at by your parents for going out too much.
But that's for another time.
12. You plan to be productive the next day.
But "Will it happen?" is the question that needs to be asked.
13. You end up staying up till 3 a.m. for no apparent reason.
What? It's not like you have any other plans.
14. You repeat the cycle.
These are the days you're going to miss once school starts again, so enjoy them while you can!