Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Is Back
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Yes, The Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Is Just As Delicious As You Want It To Be


Yes, The Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Is Just As Delicious As You Want It To Be

Twitter users everywhere are talking about how the Popeyes chicken sandwich is making a miraculous comeback this Sunday, but let me tell you about the first encounter I've ever had with this larger-than-life fried chicken delight.

Here I was, traversing my life on a hangover-filled Sunday, feeling like my head was about to jump out of my body. After a series of horrible high school decisions I made with my high school friends back in New York, we headed to the subway station when we saw the equivalent to the Red Sea parting. It was Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, with a line the shape of a snake stretched almost a block on a sidewalk. We had to get home, but we had to see what the hype was all about.

We talked to a few strangers in the line, and the guy in front of us told us that this was the fourth time in the past four days that he'd been to Popeyes. The person in front of him told us that he was praying they didn't sell out this time.

It was the new Popeyes Chicken Sandwich. We waited the twenty minutes in the line for the chicken sandwich (and the spicy version at that). The cashiers had the sandwich ready on demand, telling us that they'd learned what people wanted after consecutive days of belligerent customers.

We got our sandwiches and then walked to the subway. On the walk, I took out the sandwich and observed that it was a much bigger piece of chicken than your average Chick-Fil-A sandwich.

See also: 10 Reasons You're Clucking INSANE If You Think Anyone Can Top Chick-fil-A's Chicken Sandwich

I took a bite of the brioche, pickle, and chicken sandwich.

My entire life changed. I believe in miracles, but I never saw or experienced one until that bite of the sandwich. My mouth melted. Neuroplasticity healed my brain to the point of no return and I immediately felt the 20-point jump in IQ. Even the skin patch on my finger went away.

Michael Hollan of Fox NewsFox News itself alleges that Popeyes "Keeps the formula simple. A buttermilk-battered and hand-breaded chicken filet on a toasted brioche bun, topped with pickles and either mayo or spicy Cajun spread." But that is some heresy: I believe that the Holy Spirit is plentiful and at work in each and every one of these sandwiches. The sauce that comes with it adds an extra punch, baptizing it in the blood of Christ.

Luis Paez-Pumar of DeadSpin perhaps tweeted it best: "I have seen the face of God, and it is the Popeyes chicken sandwich." A commenter to the tweet, Gabe Fernandez, responded with an image that perfectly encapsulates the artistic and majestic beauty of the sandwich:

Justin Peters of Slateconcedes that the "Popeyes sandwich is very far from garbage. It does probably edge out the chicken sandwiches at Chick-fil-A or McDonald's," but he goes on to bash the sandwich and the hype it received: "I couldn't taste anything that merited the hosannas it has received."

No, the chicken sandwich is just that good. Shortly after eating the sandwich, I gained wings, earning the ability to fly from Popeyes to Popeyes, and that was only the start of the journey. Shortly thereafter I gained the ability to look at someone and read their minds, and man, that's a superpower you don't want to have. People in front of me at lines in Popeyes have attested to other superpowers like teleportation and mind control.

It started with the overlord that is the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich. Yes, Jesus Christ is still my Lord and Savior, but the Lord moves in mysterious ways, and this Popeyes Chicken Sandwich is the way, the truth, and the life.

Some have told me that I haven't attested to the actual facts of what makes this chicken sandwich so great. I haven't talked about the seasoning, the reason why it was made, or other more empirical support for why the sandwich is so good. But just as God is incomprehensible, the power of the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich is also, well, incomprehensible. Taking a bite into the sandwich is a sensation so otherworldly that words simply cannot describe it, and facts have no bearing.

On a more serious note, the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich's meteoric rise and reign atop our imaginations could only be possible with some help. Black Twitter essentially sparked the craze around the country that has made the sandwich as successful as it is, and gave Popeyes $23 million in free advertising and press.

But most of all, Popeyes employees this past week deserve a resounding round of applause and an MVP award. They deserve a raise, or at the very least, a bonus. The revenue generated by the sandwich is enough to warrant more financial compensation, but the employees were the main losers of the viral social media storm that brought mayhem and even violence into its restaurants, especially when stores inevitably sold out of sandwiches.

One employee was assaulted at a drive-thru when she told a customer the store had no more sandwiches, and the customer jumped through the window. Others have been cursed out, had sauce and utensils thrown at them, and gotten into full-on brawls with customers, and these are only the examples caught on camera.

"I was working like a slave in the back prepping the buns with pickles and the spicy mayo," said an 18-year-old Popeyes crew member in California. It wasn't the business executives of Popeyes that shouldered the chaos and mayhem - it was the employees, cooks, and crew members, with absolutely no additional compensation. The underside of this viral social media trend that I have brought into and propagated is that the casualties were people just like us, regular day workers and ordinary people, that shouldered all of the burden. From cashiers to sandwich makers to managers, many worked 60 hour days without breaks, standing all day. A Twitter video of a Popeyes employee completely passed out on a bench outside a store has illuminated the harsh realities faced by employees at not only Popeyes, but fast food employees across the country.

It was Popeyes employees who made the craze behind the sandwich even possible. They are the real heroes and deserve to be treated as such.

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