The Perfect Fall Playlist
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The Perfect Fall Playlist

A playlist to get you pumped up for autumn.

The Perfect Fall Playlist

The season of football games, bonfires, and cozy blankets is approaching. I know with the recent heat wave, the crisp fall air may seem like a far and distant memory, but the changing leaves will be here before you know it. Or maybe I'm just anticipating the arrival of fall a little too much. This playlist is perfect for chilly October bonfires with friends, your last drives with the windows down before winter makes it impossible, or just laying on your bed staring at the ceiling dreaming of your Halloween costume. So get ready to light that fireplace and grab a pumpkin spice latte as you enjoy this compilation of laid back songs to get you in that warm, cozy autumnal mood.

1. Down in the Valley // The Head and the Heart

2. A Lack of Understanding // The Vaccines

3. Ragged Wood // Fleet Foxes

4. Across the Universe // The Beatles

5. Coming Home // Leon Bridges

6. To Be Alone With You // Sufjan Stevens

7. Lover's Carvings // Bibio

8. Dreams // Fleetwood Mac

9. Said So What // French Kicks

10. Someday // The Strokes

11. The John Wayne // Little Green Cars

12. How Do I Tell A Girl I Want to Kiss Her // Modern Baseball

13. Pale Blue Eyes // The Velvet Underground

14. I Wanna Be Adored // The Stone Roses

15. Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby // Cigarettes After Sex

16. She Lays Down // The 1975

17. White Winter Hymnal // Fleet Foxes

18. Harvest Moon // Neil Young

19. Nancy From Now On // Father John Misty

20. Two Weeks // Grizzly Bear

21. Flightless Bird, American Mouth // Iron and Wine

22. All Those Friendly People // Funeral Suits

23. Cherry Wine // Hozier

24. All I Want // Dawn Golden

25. Everything is Embarassing // Sky Ferreira

26. Somebody Else // The 1975

27. Age of Consent // New Order

28. These Days // Nico

29. Lost in My Mind // The Head and the Heart

30. Sex (Acoustic) // The 1975

31. Call Me in the Afternoon // Half Moon Run

32. I Will Kill You in Your Sleep // Sons of an Illustrious Father

33. Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene // Hozier

34. The Less I Know the Better // Tame Impala

35. Wish You Were Here // Pink Floyd

36. The Rain Song // Led Zeppelin

37. Heartbeats // Jose Gonzalez

38. Don't Stop // Fleetwood Mac

39. Like Real People Do // Hozier

40. Could It Be Another Change // The Samples

41. Ophelia // The Lumineers

42. Blue Blood // Foals

43. When the Sun Hits // Slowdive

44. Storms // Fleetwood Mac

45. oO0oO0 // Oberhofer

46. Up Against The Wall // Peter Bjorn and John

47. Work Song // Hozier

48. Blood Bank // Bon Iver

49. Welcome Home, Son // Radical Face

50. Each Coming Night // Iron and Wine

If you would like to listen to the full playlist on Spotify, you can click here.

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