There's A Little Bit Of Each 'The Office' Character In Us All
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There's A Little Bit Of Each 'The Office' Character In Us All

If you're thinking “there’s no way I’m as weird as Dwight, or as awkward as Phyllis, or half as b*tchy as Angela," you may be wrong.

There's A Little Bit Of Each 'The Office' Character In Us All

Ok, it’s common knowledge that “The Office” is one of the funniest television series ever created. It’s a classic. Although it’s been off the air for a number of years, it’s still a relevant series because everyone and their mother seems to still tune in via Netflix, and seems to always make a reference whenever the opportunity is given.

If you follow Odyssey articles on a regular basis, you’ve seen hundreds, maybe even thousands of articles related to the series. You may have an explanation of how the series relates to your everyday life. Or how Jim and Pam are absolute relationship goals. But sometimes we tend to focus on only a few characters.

I want to take a moment to bring to everyone’s attention, exactly how each and every character is relatable.

Hear me out. You might be thinking “there’s no way I’m as weird as Dwight, or as awkward as Phyllis, or half as b*tchy as Angela. But come on. We can relate to them on one level or another, and here’s how.


So Michael Scott is the heart and soul of this show. Don’t argue with me on this. He is the glue that held everyone together in the most dysfunctional office setting. But somehow, some way it worked. He was able to ensure that everyone got their tasks done, and made a somewhat fun but maybe stressful environment.

He always poked fun at himself and made everyone in the office feel valued—except Toby. He may have been clueless about his job, but he loved it. He loved being the regional manager, and he put more heart and soul into that position than any other person could. At the end of the day, he was there for his employees and made sure all was right in the world. Even if it required an outfit change or a song number.


Where to even begin? Sure, there may not be a single individual as odd as Dwight, but he was unique. He taught us that we can be whoever we want to be, and if we need to have different identities, then so be it.

By day, he was an office employee who was a fantastic salesman and was able to get his work done. By night, he managed his family farm where he had many events at and grew many crops that shaped him into being a very well-rounded man.

We could all learn a little something from this man, such as basic survival skills, how to prepare for a fire, and much more. He may be blunt and say whatever is on his mind, but sometimes we need those kinds of people in our lives to make us a better individual.

So, thank you, Dwight. May the world follow your footsteps in making it a better, and safer place.


Jim may be the heartthrob of the show, but he has so much more to offer the audience than just a piece of eye candy. He taught us some of the greatest pranks to pull on people, such as putting someone’s belongings in a Jell-O mold.

Even more importantly, he taught us about patience. He waited four long years for the woman of his dreams. Each day he loved her more and more, and that is what true love is about. Being persistent in knowing how much you love someone.

He taught us that sometimes the best is yet to come and when we are given an opportunity, we need to take it with all we’ve got.


“Behind every great man is a great woman,” is the perfect quote for Jim and Pam Halpert’s marriage. Pam taught us that in a marriage there will always be ups and downs that will be thrown out of the blue, but being someone’s rock is one of the best gifts we can give them.

She taught us that sometimes sacrifice is what we need to give in order to receive something even bigger in return. When she did the long distance with Jim when he was transitioning jobs, she wasn’t happy. But we saw the satisfaction at the end when she knew it was the right decision.

Aside from Jim, she was also a saint to Michael. By keeping him on track and keeping him organized, Dunder Mifflin was fully running as it should have been.


Andy may have been the second hand to Michael, but he taught us that sometimes we will be in positions where we have really big shoes to fill. No one, and I mean NO ONE, will ever be able to replace the great Michael Scott. Andy was still someone who approved silly antics, wasting time by singing and dancing, and causing shenanigans in order to keep the office happy and uplifting.


Okay, Stanley in my humble opinion is one of the most relatable characters this show offered us. No one likes to work. Why would we? We have to get up early to perform a job that helps others and we are more than likely underpaid for all the work we put in.

Stanley is just much more open about his expressions on this subject. Not only does he hate everything but he really hates everyone. Some days don’t we feel like this?

He is the first one out of the office because he cannot wait to get home to do whatever it is he loves best…basically what we all do the moment our professor is done talking in lecture, or our time to clock out at work has arrived.


So Kevin may have one of the most iconic scenes in this show. I said “may,” so don’t argue with me too hard on this one.

When he spills his homemade chili in the office and start rolling around in it, it’s kind of a metaphor for our own toughest moments in life and how we handle it, and overcome it.

He may seem dumb to some people, but in my opinion, he is a very smart individual. When Dwight’s infamous fire drill took off, rather than gathering his own belongings, Kevin went straight to the vending machine and took what he could get. Smart man, I tell ya.

Overall he’s just a nice guy who everyone loves. Everyone in that office never had a bad thing to say about him, and when he was troubled, he always had someone who could lend him a helping hand.


If anyone can answer exactly what Creed is as far as a fugitive, murderer, or just a confused old man, that would be great! But Creed may be the definition of someone who did a lot of acid at concerts and Woodstock back in the day, and now he’s paying the consequences.

Although he’s a confused old man, we can all relate to him at one point or another. Haven’t we felt like him in the middle of a lecture or, better yet, in the middle of an exam? We’ve all had a hard time with understanding something and we can’t blame Creed for his confusion in life.


As sad as it is to say we have all been treated like Toby at one point or another. Whether it was a friend, teacher, or even our parents if we’re not the golden child, we all have been treated poorly, but maybe not as poorly as how Michael treated Toby.

Many of us may have also been in a position where we have to be the bearer of bad news under a certain circumstance. Since Toby is part of human resources he has to maintain the rules and regulations of the office demographics and has to make sure that Michael is always following the company policy. Sometimes it’s not fun to be the bad guy.


Phyllis is hands down the sweetest human on this show! She is so soft spoken and says everything with a smile. When there is something she doesn’t like, she does her best to ignore it and carry on with the flow.

She’s similar to us all because she is the Grandma we all inspire to be and want in our own lives. She likes to sew and cook, and she will do anything to put a smile on someone’s face…even if it means she has to dress up as Santa Claus for the Christmas office party.


Similar to Kevin, Meredith sometimes does not give a s**t about anything or anyone. She will do as she pleases and she dances to the beat of her own drum. She knows how to let loose and she will have a drink whenever necessary.

She may flash everyone and share information that is way too personal for anyone’s liking, but hey, she’s an honest, one-of-a-kind gal. She does what she wants, and she doesn’t care who knows about it or has to witness it.


Ahh, Angela. We love to hate her. She’s a mean soul who is too conservative for her own good. She’s uptight and speaks her mind even if it is hurtful. We have to love her for it. She’s judgmental and not afraid to call you out when you deserve it, but she is what many of us imagine a goody-goody to be.

A lady on the street but a freak in the sheets—or in the elevator if you remember that episode with Dwight. Go, Angela! Get it, girl!


Oscar is the well-rounded person we wish we all could be, but because we can’t he’s the person we wish we all had. He knows how to handle all of the crazy antics, and he seems to always be on task and get his work done properly.

He puts up with Angela’s rude comments and watches in the background at the pranks that are played between Jim and Dwight. He is there for the cameraman if they need someone’s input on something, and he’s always there for a good laugh. Just a well-rounded person!


Ryan may possibly be the most relatable character to the majority of viewers who are reading this article. If you are of college age you can identify with Ryan. A man who was once a temp is now working at his first adult job in what will eventually be his career.

In a way, we’re all envious of Ryan because he gets to work for the Scranton branch of the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. Like, how lucky is he?!

But he’s also the youngest guy in the office that has to put up with all these old people, and he’s really just trying to get his life together and figure out if he wants to commit with Kelly. Can’t we all relate to that at least?!


Okay, so there’s a difference between patiently waiting for the one you love, and aggressively forcing the one you love to be with you. Meet Kelly Kapoor. She is the sassy firecracker that works at this office and will not stop fighting until she gets what she wants.

Or should we say WHO she wants? She is not afraid to tell someone if their outfit looks tacky, and she will always make sure you’re aware she just got a new haircut. She says things we wish we had the guts to say and maybe sometimes shouldn’t.


And last but certainly not least…Darryl. He’s the funny guy that is kind of there because he has to be. He’s working, not at all because he wants to, but solely because he has to in order to go about his living.

He’s nice to just about everyone he comes into contact with, but he’s not as sunshine and daisies as Phyllis is. On the other hand, he’s not as bitter and upset as Stanley, so he’s kind of just in between. This, my friend, is how many of us feel the majority of the time when we are in class or at work. Admit it.

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