9. Kevin's famous chili | The Odyssey Online
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10 Times 'The Office' Improved My Mental Health

Looking for a pick-me-up? I got you.

10 Times 'The Office' Improved My Mental Health

If you're sad, mad, lonely, drunk, happy, or anywhere in between, The Office will always improve your mood. The number of times I've watched this show may be unhealthy, but it makes me laugh every time! If you want the highlights, you're in the right place. Here are 10 times this show did something that deserves applause.

1. Relatable

Andy was a little much at the beginning, but we learned to love him. He was definitely a suck up, especially in asking Michael to do "bro" things like get a beer and hit on chicks. However, he did point out that he just wanted a friend! So next time your BFF tells you to shut up, use this line.

2. Michael's ~premature~ celebration

When Holly gave her boyfriend an ultimatum about committing, Michael and Erin put together two boxes-one for good news and one for bad. When he doesn't see a ring on her finger, he immediately pops the champagne and blasts Kelly Clarkson, which inspires a huge laugh. The best part is that even though she's still with A.J. at the time, she ends up with Michael in the end, even though they take a LONG time to find each other again.

3. Kelly Kapoor. Enough said. 

When Kelly stands up to Ryan, I think every viewer feels empowered and has her back. She's a bad ass bitch and doesn't care who knows it. Even though he's coming in to run a meeting, she utilizes the open floor to ream him out.

4. My girl.... again.

The business bitch. Brand yourself, it really makes you memorable, even if you're faking it.

5. Michael's misconceptions

Michael says a lot of ironic, ignorant things-but they're inherently hilarious. This is a personal favorite of mine, when he identifies Sbarro as a "New York pizza joint".

6. PB and J

The best combination. This doesn't have to be expanded upon, but Jim and Pam's secret wedding is quite literally the cutest thing that's ever happened. To top it off, "Forever" by Chris Brown makes the perfect background music.

7. Dwight's impersonations

Jim's impersonation of Dwight is legendary. But Dwight's collection of wigs for every co-worker is overlooked, and frankly, much more impressive.


Dumb, dumb, and dumber. Jim, Dwight, and Andy prove themselves to be the ultimate trio when they attempt hardcore parkour all around the office park.

9. Kevin's famous chili

There are shirts, laptop stickers, hoodies, and more that show off this infamous moment. Kevin having the most Kevin moment one could ever imagine.

10. Stanley laughing?

Let's be real, if Stanley can get a kick out of a meatball, or anything for that matter, you can find something that makes you laugh. So next time you need a pick-me-up or a good laugh, you know exactly where to go. Even though most days we feel like grumpy, tired Stanley, we can totally have just as great of a time as he is here.

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