The Nid List: Top Five Places To Study At Pitt
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The Nid List: Top Five Places To Study At Pitt

My personal list of favorite places to study at Pitt

The Nid List: Top Five Places To Study At Pitt

It’s that time of the year again. The novelty of sylli week has worn off (has it already been two weeks since it ended?!), and chances are you’re already swimming in an ocean of homework, tests, and tears. Most of you have had your first test of the semester by now, or if you’re in the same boat as me, are going to be facing an onslaught of them these next couple of weeks. So, while you’re trying desperately to navigate the turbulent waters that are Pitt’s course load, I thought I would put together a list of my top five places to study (in no particular order) for your benefit. I present to you; the Nid List.

1.Frick Fine Art’s Building


Monday through Thursday: 9 a.m-9 p.m

Friday: 9 a.m-5 p.m

Saturday: 12 p.m-5 p.m

Sunday: 12 p.m-7 p.m

Why it is “Nid Approved”: If you have ever wanted to feel like Belle in the Beast’s library, this is the place to be. It’s probably one of my favorite buildings on campus. Unlike Club Hillman, whenever I have gone it wasn’t too crowded, which helps make it such a great studying environment. As an added bonus, if you ever need a break from your hardcore study session, you can always take a walk around the beautiful art gallery, or even just marvel the captivating courtyard (pictured above).

2. Crazy Mocha

Timings: Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m-7 p.m

Friday, 7 a.m-7 p.m

Closed Weekends (* Saturdays only open from 1-3 p.m)

Why it is “Nid Approved”: Crazy Mocha is this cute little café that has the best coffee and tea out there. Whenever I feel stressed out about the work I need to do, I go here. It has such a chill environment that really helps quell any anxiety you are experiencing. Along with the delicious drinks and relaxed ambiance, there are a ton of outlets! Almost every seat and table has an outlet, so when you’re using your laptop you won’t fear it dying and losing all your progress. If that doesn’t seal the deal, the salt from your tears over that paper you were procrastinating will definitely enhance the taste of your tea. There is a silver lining for everything friends.

3. William Pitt Union

Timings: Monday through Friday: 8 a.m-9 p.m

Saturday: 11 a.m-9 p.m

Why it is “Nid Approved”: The Union overall is a pretty good place to study, but I have two favorite places in the Union to study; the quiet study room on the 3rd floor and the ground floor. The Quiet Study room sure does live up to its name, you can hear a pin drop in there. While it may be a tad bit cramped, it’s a great place to zone in and finish your work without (too many) distractions. The ground floor is definitely louder, but it is all worth it because PIZZA. That’s right kids there’s Pizza Hut, a Taco Bell, and a SubConnection all RIGHT THERE for when you get the some serious food craving or just want to distract yourself from your questionable life choices. I mean everyone has cried over pizza sometime or another. Right? … Right?

4. Cathy

*Timings: Monday through Saturday: 9 a.m- 4 p.m

Sunday: 11 a.m- 4 p.m

(*Disclaimer: These hours are subject to change. I have definitely been at Cathy past 4 p.m)

Why it is “Nid Approved”: The Harry Potteresque building that is beloved by all Pitt students comes in handy when searching for a good place to study. Whether you want to study in a more open area, like the first floor, or in one of the exquisite nationality rooms, there is a place for every kind of studier. Added Bonus: The Cathedral Café, which provides some of the best quesadillas and waffle fries around. Trust me, the long wait in line is so worth it.

5. Hillman Library

Timings: Monday through Thursday: 24 hours

Friday: 12 a.m-10 p.m

Saturday: 9 a.m-10 p.m

Sunday: 10 a.m-12 a.m

Why it is “Nid Approved”: Ah, Club Hillman. I simultaneously love and hate you so much. There are definitely flaws that come with the main library at Pitt. Some of the top ones; not enough outlets, the state of the restrooms (especially the ground and first floor ones during finals week. YIKES.), and that basically everyone and their mother is there. But despite these setbacks, Hillman will forever and always be my #1 bae. I probably sleep more at Hillman than I do in my own bed; It’s essentially my second home. And it’s not all bad. The quiet study rooms serve their purpose well, and you can count on Cup and Chaucer to fuel you during those painful all-nighters (Do you see a pattern here? Hint: It might have something to do with food). Odds are you are probably going to be at Hillman at least once (if not everyday), so it’s best to appreciate what will perhaps be the most consistent thing in your life.

There are a couple more that are decent areas to study too (like market and the med school library), but these 5 hold special places in my nerdy (and semi-studious) heart. All in all, studying is not the most fun experience you will ever have, but these various study places can make the experience more bearable and hopefully get the job done faster. I hope this list helps a little, and I wish you all the best as you tackle your exams! Now go study!

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