Waking up to the sound of birds, seeing trees in the foreground and animals in the background. Hiking all day, every day. Seeing my dogs free and happy. The quiet whistling of the trees, the silence of the mountains and all my stress is gone. Every time we make it out of town I feel my whole body relax a bit, and I just feel better. People are few and far between, and the ones we do see are nice. It is a nice change from the way people treat each other in the city. The sky is gorgeous, the sun is up, and the clouds are scarce. This is how I would love to wake up every morning.
I look outside my tent and think that every moment is a photographic moment. I am constantly thinking that I don’t take enough photos. But then when I am taking photos I feel like I spend too much time looking at nature through a screen or view hole. Some trips, the memories are all I need. When I was younger I never thought about the mountains. I didn’t really have a desire to ski and I thought that is all the mountains had to offer. I am now in love with them. I have come to realize everything they do have to offer. Hiking beautiful dirt trails, fires at night, quiet, animals, birds, and sometimes a little water. Nature is so healing. I have serious stomach problems that seem to be much less severe when I am out of town camping. When I get to hike all day long instead of sit at a desk, I can sleep without interruption. I think there is something about walking on dirt instead of concrete, breathing in fresh air instead of air conditioning, eating out of a cooler instead of out a drive through, sleeping without a rainfly instead of indoors, and looking at stars that make life just a bit more worth it. For anyone who has never gone, Go! Now!
While in the mountains I feel time moves slower. There is not much of a rush to get anywhere at any specific time, and the sun will guide your day. Traveling to the mountains is unlike other vacations. I think when people make time to spend in nature without a schedule, without a phone, and just with a map that it can calm. Each mountain is different so every time you go it will be different from the last. Nature is ever changing so it is interesting to see change without construction equipment. Trails get thicker and thinner depending on use, new trails are found, exploration is key when traveling through the mountains. Even when I go to the same mountain range more than a couple times it is new and exciting for me. I recommend a trip for everyone. I would love to turn these little getaways into my lifestyle. Moving to the mountains is my goal, but in the meantime, I think everyone should get to experience what it is like to sleep under the stars and stare at some magnificent mountains.