Disney. Oh what a wonderful world to be in. Today I was able to get a brief glimpse into the many contraptions and hidden behind the screen instances that many of us do not even know about. You may think Disney studios is merely one huge lot filled with different stages for filming and a lot of building with offices but there is still so magic there. I could feel it before I had even gotten out of the car- to be able to be in the same space as the inventive creators of Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, and countless other stories that we all know so well, was extremely overwhelming.
We all know who the characters are, we can probably name 10 of them without even really thinking about it, even some of us can name the actors that play these characters, but how many of us really know the people that made these characters, the animators that sketched them, the writers that crafted some of our favorite quotes from these movies? To walk into this small courtyard with pillars of names of animators, writers, and other cast members that had brought us these wonderful movies and not be able to even know who they were saddened me. These amazing people were faceless. Disney knows who they were but not us.
Growing up a Disney kid I cannot even tell you how much joy all these different movies gave me when I was younger and even now being a 19-year-old girl. I still find deep substance in the Lion King as Simba faces the betrayal of Scar and overcomes the death of Mufasa. Mulan proves in her culture that women can be seen in other perspectives; her journey diminishes this concept that women must always stay at home and wear make-up. In Frozen when Elsa proves that being different is beautiful and that true love is universal between people really broadens the clichés we have all become so use to.
Watching Disney movies when your older is much different. I can see how sophisticated the language was and how inventive these creators had to be to imagine what an audience young and old would be receptive to. To discuss themes of death, love, heartbreak, morality and the positives and negatives of human nature is difficult. Furthermore, as I walked through these buildings I got to see some of the original sketches from these movies. I saw the first sketch of the Beast and how they took this mere drawing, an idea, and transformed it into what we see on the television screen.
As we continued to walk through the lot we came across this tunnel in one of the buildings. Cast members used to use it to transport the film back and forth between buildings. They needed the comfort of lower temperatures and low sunlight exposure to protect the film and because of the dedication and hard work of these people we were given the chance to see some amazing movies that have brought us little moments of happiness. Disney Studios opened my eyes to Walt’s legacy and it still shocks me that we were so close to his office.
The buildings seemed to hum with hidden history. Some of it was more obvious when there were plaques explaining what had happened in these rooms but I couldn’t help but wonder what wasn’t written there. Were there any leftover sketches in the drawers in that hidden hallway? What ideas had not made the cut? More than anything how Disney studios offered a space for imagination to grow so prosperous here. There was even a building that was designed to be held up by the seven dwarves. Dopey, Happy, Sneezy, Doc, Grumpy, Sleepy, and Bashful were there holding up the roof on the building. One of a kind. Even the lunch area had its own sparks with its Disney inspired landscaped of Snow White and Up. The lunch area was even more overwhelming because I was in room full of geniuses. It almost felt like the equivalent of walking into Google. A whole new world.
The most memorable part of the tour was when we were in the courtyard with all those names and my friend found hand prints that matched hers. She said “looks like I’m made to work here” and I wandered and tried to find someone’s who would fit mine. There was one person but it still didn’t quite fit and that’s when I realized I would want to make my own legacy at Disney and my own handprints. I wanted to give back some the happiness that some many of these creators had given me. This trip made me reflect on childhood and lead me further into my thoughts on my future. I am inspired and I know this is only the beginning. I have one momento from my trip to the Studios, it’s a little avengers purse to remind me that I was there and that I would be back soon.
To be continued.