To The Girl That Never Settles | The Odyssey Online
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To The Girl That Never Settles

"You will thank your self in the long run..."

To The Girl That Never Settles

I had a friend come up to me and ask me why I had never been in a relationship.I thought for a minute and realized that I had not yet met a guy that meets my standards. This sparked my interest in writing this article! So today I am talking about the girl that never settles.

Whether we are talking relationships or other wise, you refuse to take less than the best. This is a quality that will serve you well in the future. People always think that you are a perfectionist, or that nothing is ever good enough for you.

The honest truth happens to be that you want the best for your self. This becomes really important in a personal setting. Relationships are hard, and sometimes we have to face the cold hard truth that not everything has a happy ending.

Dating is ultimately a search for a significant other, a partner in crime, a soul mate. When you enter a relationship it often slips your mind that with every relationship you have two options. Option one is the ideal situation in which you find your forever and you get married and live happily ever after. Option two is breaking someone's heart or getting your heart broken.

To put things in simpler terms: you get married or you break up. I know what you’re thinking…”man that seems harsh.”, but if you aren’t dating to marry then what are you doing? Relationships can make people harder and colder, let’s be honest a heart break is far from a walk in the park.

Some people enter relationships knowing the other person doesn’t want anything long term, and there is nothing wrong with that until there are feelings, and believe me, there will be feelings. It is part of human nature for people to ‘mate.’

All human have an instinct for love.

Though people aren't always like penguins (who mate for life), everybody wants to have some kind of connection. If you can’t see yourself marrying someone you are dating, then don’t! Granted, not everyone is cut out for marriage, and some people don’t believe in marriage, but always know what page you are on.

To the girl seeking some kind of healing through meaningless relationships, please know that you are worth more than that and you too deserve love, compassion, and a happily ever after. So to the girl who has her head high, (and her standards), you deserve a round of applause!

Stay grounded, keep your morals, never ever feel as though you have to settle, because you don’t.

It can be hard sometimes being the only single one, but I promise you can and you will make it through. Just because everyone else has a significant other, does not mean that you have to lower your standards and settle for someone in order to fit in with everyone else. Stand your ground, you'll be thankful for it later.

I'm not at all saying for you to have unrealistic, or unachievable standards, but I am saying to know what you are worth and know that no matter what happens you have morals, values, and overall peace with yourself in making a fantastic decision like I know you will!

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