The Few, The Proud, The Incarcerated?" | The Odyssey Online
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The Few, The Proud, The Incarcerated?"

Would you voluntarily spend 60 days in jail?

The Few, The Proud, The Incarcerated?"
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So I’m lying in bed bingeing on “60 Days In” and I start to wonder about the violent and forsaking behavior that goes on within the jail walls. A&E’s “60 Days In” displays seven to eight volunteers who gets placed in jail for two months with fake names and records to gain experience about what goes on while incarcerated. The experiment’s objective is to give feedback to the sheriff on how to better manage the jail. The volunteers give them real life scenarios on what takes place within the prison systems of our society. I begin to ask myself; would I actually be able to survive 60 days as an incarcerated inmate?

Just knowing that my freedom would be stripped and I be put on a daily restricted pattern would be difficult for me. Well if you asked me, I couldn’t volunteer to have all my personal belongings confiscated and only given a mat, toilet paper, and a limit of other daily essentials. I’m a pretty sociable and friendly person, so I’m sure I’ll start conversing with the “bunkies” who would most likely turn out to be passive backstabbers. How could someone sit in a room full of lifeless walls and dying dreams continuously? I hear the food is alright, but I’m sure it doesn’t beat the refreshing taste of Baja Blast and savory mozzarella sticks. I’d be missing a whole 60 days of shows, great food, and fun. Who would want to miss out on that? I’m sure it would be a good experience for some, but for me I couldn’t voluntarily get thrown in hell temporarily (Ha!). Hmm... Maybe sixty days would inspire me and I’d turn into a rapper or singer trying to beat box my way out of the confined space. Maybe I could form a duet and become the new incarcerated TLC. I’d say a benefit would be a chance to buy snacks and other items from commissary. I’d probably buy things to build an enclosed fort away from all the inmates and make it an obligation to stay away from “Big Bertha” (LOL). I’d stuff my face with Cheetos puffs and hot pockets while being swallowed up by some intriguing book to stay away from all the chaos.

In all seriousness though, I commend the participants who actually enter the program and come out a stronger person. There is a line between an inmate and a citizen that you have to balance when going into the program. You can fall into a life of drugs and emotional distress if you aren’t strong minded enough to stay out of trouble. There may be times when you get picked on or messed with because other inmates may notice your lack of knowledge to what goes on within the jail system. If you were to break the law while doing your 60 days you can get sentenced as an inmate and have to face real time. There are people such as pod bosses who are in control when incarcerated, which is why you should watch your surroundings. The pod boss has a major advantage in directing orders to get done and is the main source of violence within the pod. Jail isn’t just an option for someone unlike the volunteers in the program. There are people facing real time such as 5 to 10 years or more.

As a young African American within my society, some may believe I have a high probability of seeing prison walls within my lifetime. However, I refuse to become a statistic and down spiral into a world of trouble. There are many individuals in jail who have been falsely sentenced or were just at the wrong place during the wrong time. Trying to stay away from crime may be difficult for someone who is used to growing up around violence while others rise above it. The key is to become a better person from past experiences and grow. Being raised as an only child and being forced to adapt to a home of six step sisters and brothers was quite an experience. I had to learn to share a space with my sisters on weekends and holiday breaks. Unlike with my family, if I were to volunteer in the 60 Days In program, I’d have to unwillingly share my space with unknown strangers. Would YOU be able to spend 60 days in jail?

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