17 Goodbyes Everyone Makes At The End Of The Semester | The Odyssey Online
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17 Goodbyes Everyone Makes At The End Of The Semester

The end of the semester is bittersweet.

17 Goodbyes Everyone Makes At The End Of The Semester
Clarisse Meyer // Unsplash

Another year has gone by, another semester has finished. With summer quickly approaching, a huge change is about to hit many college students. Those who have finished their first year have gained a taste of freedom, and for those who have finished altogether, we wish them the best of luck. But everyone, no matter what year they have just completed, must face this bittersweet ending of college. With another semester gone and past, there are many goodbyes that have to be said.

1. Saying goodbye to your roommate(s).

They have helped you function as a somewhat adult. They made sure you did your laundry and remembered to eat dinner because sometimes you had so much on your mind that food didn’t even cross your thoughts.

2. Saying goodbye to your friends.

Saying goodbye to friends is always really hard. The people have stuck with you through thick and thin and have stayed up with you into the wee hours of the night, talking about everything. They are the people who didn’t judge you (too much) when you started watching a new show and called them crying when you caught the feels.

3. Saying goodbye to your significant other.

Going different ways for a couple of months is always hard, but you just have to remember it is only for a couple of months. Just remember that there is always the option of road tripping to their house over the summer.

4. Saying goodbye to eating what you want, when you want.

At home, it is frowned upon to eat fruit snacks in bed at 3am. There are a lot fewer delivery places outside of the cities and if you deliver to your home, there are people you have to share with. And no you can’t have Chipotle every other night.

5. Saying goodbye to walking everywhere.

In smaller towns, nothing is close to anything. If you really want to walk to the store you might need to set aside an hour rather than the usual 20 minutes.

6. Saying goodbye to student jobs.

Saying goodbye to your laid back student job(s). The ones that work with your schedule, and the ones that send you home if you look too tired. Summer is the time for real-world jobs.

7. Saying goodbye to your lack of sleep schedule.

Saying goodbye to the random sleep schedule, if you can actually call it a sleep schedule. It is frowned upon to be walking around the house at 3 am while everyone else is still asleep. Because you will trip or drop something and wake someone up.

8. Saying goodbye to naps.

Taking naps whenever you want just doesn’t fly when you’re home. There are so many things that need to get done, such as working, watching younger siblings, or doing chores, but also seeing high school friends.

9. Saying goodbye to freedom.

Parents are going to want you to do things, whether it be on your time or theirs, you can't get away with anything anymore.

But not all of the goodbyes are sad ones. Some of them are things to look forward to.

10. Saying goodbye to papers.

Saying goodbye to all of the papers and projects that have been coming at you in all directions for the past few months.

11. Saying goodbye to cold weather.

Saying goodbye to the cold weather and wind that knocks you off of your feet. Mostly no more air that hurts your face… until next year.

12. Saying goodbye to peers in lectures.

Saying goodbye to that person in lecture that took your unassigned assigned seat during the last few weeks of class.

13. Saying goodbye to emails.

Saying goodbye to all of the emails from different clubs that you signed up for as a freshman.

14. Saying goodbye to pamphlet pushers.

Saying goodbye to the people shoving pamphlets in your face as you are rushing to get to your 8am.

15. Saying goodbye to the computer screens.

Saying goodbye to staring at a computer screen for hours at a time.

16. Saying goodbye to odd class times.

Saying goodbye to 8ams and night classes.

17. Saying goodbye to responsibilities.

Saying goodbye to all the responsibilities that come with being on your own.

All in all, the end is bittersweet, but for those of us that aren't graduating, we still have the beginning of another semester on the horizon.

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