The Doctor's In
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Politics and Activism

The Doctor's In

Ben carson speaks at Regent.

The Doctor's In

Dr. Carson graciously appeared at Regent University on February 29, to speak about his plans for the future of America. The Doctor, in his smooth, eloquent voice, made me believe in the revival of America. Here is a recap of what he said. But first, who is Dr. Carson?

Benjamin Solomon Carson Jr. was born in Detroit. He excelled throughout high school, after realizing the importance of education and taking control of one's own life. He went on to Yale University where he met his beautiful wife, Candy.

After he graduated from medical school and married Candy, he moved closer to John’s Hopkins Medical College in Baltimore, Maryland, to complete his residency. It would prove to be the longest career for Dr. Carson. He spent 29 years at JHCC (Children’s Hospital). In 2001, he was named by CNN and TIME Magazine as one of the nation’s 20 foremost physicians and scientists. That same year, he was selected by the Library of Congress as one of 89 “Living Legends.” Dr. Carson holds 67 honorary doctorate degrees. He is a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, the Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Science, the Horatio Alger Society of Distinguished Americans and many other organizations.

But he gives back. Ben and Candy Carson founded the Carson Scholars Fund in 1994, which helps kids get through school. He has published several books as well, including, "Gifted Hands" "America the Beautiful" "Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great" and "One Nation, What We All Can Do to Save America’s Future."

Dr. Carson has also served on the board at Regent University for years. After a warm applause, he smiled and said it was good to be back “home.”

He is often asked, why did he go the “slimy road of politics” instead of staying in Pediatrics. People will ask him, “Is it worth it?”

“No,” he answers, “If you’re doing it for yourself. Emphatically yes! If you are doing this for others, [then the answer is yes].” Carson thinks of others who have served him, who have sacrificed everything, and that is the soldier.

He muses how our nation was so different. How we once realized our rights are given to us by our creator, not our government. Our Government thinks it gives rights. He points out the Affordable Care Act is a departure from Original Intent.

The people are first, then the government. His goal of this speech is to return to the original intent of our beautiful document: The Constitution. We the people must wake up and recognize we rule. It is essential to the change in America.

Ben Carson ties his speech back to his own personal experiences of education and truly being uninformed. He never really appreciated education until he read those with accomplishments. Then, and only then, did he realize that the person who has the most to do with things in your life is you! He quotes, “Our freedoms and our systems are based upon a well informed educated populous. And if we ever become anything other than that, the nature of the country will change.”

George Nicholas once stated in the Ratification of the Declaration of Independence, “An enlightened people will never suffer what was intended for their security to be perverted to an act of tyranny.” This is one of my favorite quotes ever said. We must always be vigilant. Let’s break this down. An enlightened people, those who know what is happening, will never suffer what was intended for their security to be perverted to an act of tyranny. If we know what we are talking about, if we care, we won’t allow perversion of our constitution, our most precious document, to be ripped apart. But today, Carson states, people are easy to manipulate. All it would take is some slick politician and a willing media and down you go. The uninformed are voting, and this is why he is here. It isn’t for the glory and fame. It is for us, for those who died for us, for the 22 of the vets who commit suicide. His campaign is a call to action. A call to unity

Dr. Carson quotes Jesus, echoed once by Abraham Lincoln, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” He says if he were leader of this nation and trying to destroy America, he would divide the people. He’d drive wedges between the people and get them all hating each other.

In closing, he cites Thomas Jefferson who, years ago, predicted this to happen. He said that we would end up here. That Americans would become less vigilant. They would not pay attention to the government. We would rather “Watch the basketball game or the Oscars more than the government” Carson said jokingly, breaking the citation. “We would allow the government to break us apart. But then he says, “Just before we turned into a new form of government, the people would awaken, they would recognize the manipulation, they would rise up and regain control.” The time is now.

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