Atypical Depression | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

A Better Understanding Of The Different Types Of Depression

Depression is more than just a label to diagnose feelings of major sadness. There's a lot that is taken into consideration and different types of depression that call for different types of procedures in order to recover.

A Better Understanding Of The Different Types Of Depression

In This Article:

Depression is known as a mental health disorder that is characterized by a depressive mood with loss of motivation and interest in activities, which leads to a significant impairment to one's daily life. There are many different types of depression. Just to name a few:

Major Depression

Major depression is the most commonly noticed form of depression as it fits the general description very well. It is also associated with trouble sleeping and a feeling of irritability or agitation. Talk therapy works best in this case with a therapist, along with prescribed antidepressant medications that can help.

Manic Depression

Also known as Bipolar Disorder, is a sequence of fluctuating emotions that range from periods of good moods to deep, depressive episodes. These low episodes have the same symptoms of major depression, so it's important to tell your doctor or therapist about the mood swings because using antidepressants to combat bipolar disorder altogether may have the opposite effect and cause persistent symptoms.

Situational Depression

Situational depression isn't really a diagnosed medical condition. It's known simply as a period of a depressed state after experiencing something of great grief or sorry in your life, as well as major stress and anxiety occurring as well. It's best to talk this out with a therapist or someone to help you get a better hold of major stressors in your life

Atypical Depression

Atypical depression is a bit different because it can be confused with manic depression/bipolar disorder a lot of the time. Someone who has atypical depression has the same symptoms of general depression but their mood can be lifted by a slight exposure to positive events, but have also increased sensitivity to criticisms or rejection.

These are just some types of depression as there are many, many more on the list. Be aware that no type of depression is, or should be, considered more "popular" or "special" in the public view. They are all hindrances to daily life that many people struggle with, which means you're not alone. Even if you are, there are many numbers you can call to talk to someone:





The best thing to do when having these depressive feelings and thoughts is to reach out because someone will be there.

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