The Birth of a Nation is written, directed, and produced by actor and rising filmmaker Nate Parker. The film is a sequel to The Birth of a Nation 1915 film; the 1915 version was based on the rising clan of the Ku Klux Klan and the horrors of African Americans. Birth of A Nation, 2016 version shows the uprising of the slave rebellion by Nat Turner. The film is so beautifully developed in amazing cinematography; it shows the beauty of American land with amazing architectures, but something beautiful is so badly flawed. That is what we see in this film, America is beautiful, but very ugly from all of the horrendous crimes that were committed in the past.
Birth of A Nation shows us the importance of why it is so important to know your history and culture. What I notice mostly in this film is that in the murdered scenes, Nate never shows us the audience how the crime is being committed, he slowly pans out of the scene, but we can hear the pain in the actor’s voice. So, instead he wants us to imagine what was going on of why that person was screaming in anguish. Also, he does this long medium or close up on the actor so you can see every flaw of emotion in their face, and it feels as though you’re in that character’s shoes.
This film is a must see, it a powerful film that lives up to all the hype that is surrounding it. You can tell the filmmaker took his time carefully directing and writing this film. While having excellent bold cinematography in his scenes showing the beauty of America that is deeply flawed.