One thing I definitely do not miss about college is working in groups. I am an independent thinker, (Google traits for an Aquarius and I match them spot on), so working with other people stressed me out. Of course I naturally completed most of the work because that's just the type of person I am in group projects-the leader. If you face working in group projects in the future you may come across these 8 different types of people.
1. The One Who Swears He/She Will Be On Time But Is Consistently Late.
Forget about scheduling time to meet up on a Friday morning or a Saturday afternoon or even the Sunday before the project is due. This type of group member may show up when the presentation starts if you're lucky.
2. The One Who Still Has No Clue What The Assignment Is On.
"So, you mean it's due Friday....and our topic is on the Great Depression....what class is this again?"-An honest representation of a question made by this type of student. *Face palm*
3. The Super Creative One Who Thinks Of The Project As A Form Of Art.
The rest of your group is thinking: no, this is not your ceramics class but please keep the same level of enthusiasm that you have for your art class for this project!
4. The One Who Is Always Too Tired To Work.
This type of student is always yawning and dozing off throughout the entirety of your meeting. Don't count on them to put together the power point!
5. The One Who Claims He/She Did Everything But Really Did Nothing.
Not a good move for when peer evaluations are written out...
6. The One Who Thinks They Know It All.
This person will definitely try to take control of the group and may overstep boundaries to get the work done. Solve this issue by making sure everyone does an equal share of the project. This is hard to achieve unless you begin the project by giving each person his/her task.
7. The One Who Procrastinates.
This person will totally submit their share of the project....the very last hour that it needs to be finished by.
8. The One Who Shows Up "Sick" On Presentation Day.
This type of person is so annoying because even if they respond to group texts and show up to meetings, not attending the presentation part makes everyone else look bad.