1. The person who is involved in EVERYTHING
First off, how on earth do you have the time? Most people can barely get through college as it is, but there are a few mystical creatures that can somehow handle being a part of every club. These are the people who are going to be running the world; I know it.
2. The Hippies
Every school has them. There is always that group of people on the quad engaging in some illegal puffing and passing, blasting music and possibly seen with a hula hoop or doing extreme yoga. At least one of them is never wearing shoes—ever. How they do it I have no idea but campus wouldn’t be the same without them.
3. The Frat Guy
“Who do you know here?” is a phrase heard amongst almost every college student. Whether you’ve seen these guys roaming campus in their blazers and pins or yelling at you to cram pie in their faces for a good cause; frat guys are everywhere. You will most likely find them denying your guy friends entrance to their parties.
4.The Athletes
These ones are hard to miss. Athletes tend to travel in large gangs and are usually seen wearing their team apparel. The team that wakes up at 5 am for practice together, stays together.
5. The Skateboarders
Whether it be a skateboard or a dreaded long board, there is nothing worse than trying to walk to class and almost getting run over. Usually found in the most inconvenient walkways, these guys (or gals) are pretty harmless, unless you get in the way of one of their tricks. The best thing about seeing a skateboarder is knowing that spring is near—because who wants to skateboard in the winter?
6. The Nursing Students
Much like a vegan, you will know you a nursing student within the minute you talk to them. You’ll usually see them sporting scrubs and possibly crying in the library. Cut them some slack though, they'll probably end up saving your life one day.
7. The Party Animal
Either you know one of them, or you are one. These are the people who you often see Snapchats of at a bar every night of the week. How they manage to sleep, do homework, or stay sane? No one knows, not even them.
8. The Netflix Junkies
These are the people who never want to go out and would much rather stay in on a Friday night and catch up on their shows, and I don’t blame them. College is exhausting, it's nice to unwind and binge with a good Netflix series.
9. The Gym Rats
These guys are usually spotted walking around campus with their gym bags and protein blenders. Whether you are at the gym are not, they are completely unavoidable. They will only talk to you about leg day and "gains".