Now that I'm figuring out how college works and I'm getting into the routine of classes, I thought I would offer some things up that I've observed in my short time in college. You think that high school is hard when you're in the moment, but you'll realize quickly once you're out of there that your worst high school nightmares are nothing compared to the things that you'll experience in college.
1. No one will judge you for the things they did in high school.
No one cares who you date, how you looks, how you did on that project. You're all there to get a degree and that's all that you're there to do.
2. Everyone is on an equal playing field - you don't have as much of an advantage over other people.
Sports, GPA, none of that really matters. This is everyone's fresh start, not just yours.
3. Homework was a joke in high school... but college homework is no joke.
You think a paper is hard, but now you're getting seven papers at once plus 12 worksheets and three online quizzes.
4. "Writing a paper" doesn't mean a two-page paper in MLA format. It means a five to 10-page paper in APA format.
Teachers constantly tell you that you need to know MLA format, but really you're only using APA or Chicago style writing.
5. There are tons and tons of things you need to prioritize.
No more freaking out about prom. Now you're worrying about what you're going to do with the rest of your life.
6. Your teachers really don't care how you do in their class.
Sorry, but now it's your responsibility. Most of the time you don't even have them remember your name in class.
7. If you choose to go away, you have a whole new reality.
Your parents aren't paying for everything anymore. You're responsible for your groceries, grades, keeping up with bills, and keeping yourself together.
8. If you blow off homework your grade will drop real fast.
In high school, it was cool to drop off a couple of worksheets and losing 10 points. In college, you blink and your GPA dropped by .6.
9. You think you find out who your real friends are in high school, but you really realize quickly who your friends are once you're out of that place.
After your graduation parties are over and you all part ways, will your friends keep in contact? Good friends will keep in contact, those that aren't there for you will drop off after you're gone.
10. Nobody cares about your varsity jacket or where you're class ring is.
If you wore them in high school then you were on top of everyone. Now if you wear them in college, your status doesn't differ any than if you were wearing a t-shirt and jeans.