2. Thank you for the endless hugs | The Odyssey Online
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8 'Thank Yous' My Mom Deserves To Hear Every Single Day

Mom, you deserve so much more than a simple "thank you."

8 'Thank Yous' My Mom Deserves To Hear Every Single Day
Shaylie Woodford

Dear mom,

I could simply say 'thank you' but those two words are not enough for the millions of things that you've done for me. You deserve so much more than a simple 'thank you.' But, unfortunately, I can't afford for you to escape to Bermuda for a week, so I'll stick to these words of appreciation instead.

You deserve the world and more. There a million things I could thank you for every day but here are the top 8 things I want to thank you for.

1. Thank you for your home cooked meals

Despite all of the times that I complained about whatever you made for dinner, I appreciate your efforts, hard work, and dedication to putting meals on the table every night. Moving abroad has made me miss your cooking more than anything else in this world. So, thank you. Thank you for making meals that nourished my brothers and I. Thank you for doing the dishes after dinner, making a mess during dinner, and never complaining about it.

2. Thank you for the endless hugs

Your hugs are all I need to be reminded that I am loved, secured, and worthy. Your hugs are unlike any other, they are so incomparable to anything else in this world. Your hugs wrap around me like a blanket of security. Thank you for your hugs and the squeezes you give me when you hug me.

3. Thank you for being a good role model

Since I was young I have watched you closely. I have learned what hard work looks like. Whether that's working 14-hour shifts to make ends meet or caring for four kids and a husband before caring for yourself, I know what hard work looks like. You are resilient and relentless, despite everything life has thrown at you.

4. Thank you for your honesty

Whether it is telling me what I am wearing is unflattering or telling me the cold, hard truth about life- thank you. You are the most honest person I know and because of you I have learned the true power of honesty.

5. Thank you for paying my way through life

From my car to my apartment to tuition and studying abroad, thank you. Thank you for blessing me with the opportunity to live my life and the life you never had. Thank you for supporting me financially so that I can avoid growing up for as long as possible.

6. Thank you for supporting me 

From my major change to my taste in men, thank you for supporting it all. Although you may not like all of the choices I make, you support me and allow me to be my own person. You allow me to learn the reigns of life on my own. Without your support I would not be where I am today.

7. Thank you for pushing me to do more

You know what I am capable of more than I do. So thank you for pushing me to study abroad, go to college, and step out of my comfort zone. You push me to live a life I didn't know exisited. Because of you I am where I am today.

8. Thank you for giving me brothers

Thank you for blessing me with three tiny humans I get to call my brothers. They have taught me so much about life that I couldn't have learned without you giving them to me. Thank you for giving me three life long best friends and mini supporters.

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