Spoken Word, Thank You For Helping Me Find Women To Look Up To | The Odyssey Online
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Spoken Word, Thank You For Helping Me Find Women To Look Up To

The impact of spoken word in my life.

Spoken Word, Thank You For Helping Me Find Women To Look Up To

The work that has affected my life the most is not a single piece of work. Instead of being "The Fault in Our Stars" or "The Pursuit of Happiness," the most influential pieces of literature in my life are spoken word poems. Spoken word was there for me when I was happy, sad, upset, angry, or frustrated. I was able to find someone who has experienced something similar to me and gain knowledge on how to progress throughout the event that occurred. Many young girls are not presented with an influence that will aid them in their growth.

Spoken word is a form of poetry that has captivated my mind and my pen. Growing up I did not have a role model. The role of a perfect, powerful woman was completely vacant from the lack of people I could witness and desire to be like. I often found fault with everyone. Because of my naturally observant nature, I would notice every mistake a person can make. I would notice when a person took a second too long to answer, tapped their fingers slightly in a moment of anxiousness, and the millisecond stutter in an instant of hesitation. I found the perfect woman fake and arbitrary.

However, while watching spoken word, I found an endless quantity of women who have been through difficult situations and did not make the situation seem worse or easier than it was. These women became my inspiration towards getting through tough situations and facing situations I had been avoiding.

Without spoken word, the person I am today would not exist. I would have given up at every turn, ignored my goals, and failed at leaving my comfort zone. I now appreciate spoken word and the relevance behind it. I have grown as an individual and found my place in the world.

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