Jessica Farrar, Texas lawmaker, drafted a law that would induce male tears and mass hysteria.
In an attempt to protect unborn children everywhere, Farrar has proposed that all "emissions outside of a woman's vagina, or created outside of a health or medical facility" is considered an act against an unborn child and failure preserve the sanctity of life.
Earlier last year, comedians Nicole Byer, Blair Socci and Matteo Lane did a hysterical social experiment on the streets of NYC in which they would get men to take an oath to not masturbate in order to save their sperm. In a similar satirical spirit, the group of comedians expressed their concerns for men's sperm being the death of future artists, doctors etc to incite the same argument pro-lifers commonly like to use in their debates against abortion all while ignoring the lives of refugee children.
Those who don't abide by this law are bound to pay a $100 fine and the money will be deposited into a fund established by the Department of Family & Protective Services that will go towards the care and services provided to children with physical or mental limitations in a guardianship. Farrar has titled the bill 'A Mans Right To Know' in hopes that it will make men more aware of the invasive procedures women have to go through and the extreme measures the government enforces to police women's bodies.
The bill offers men informational booklets on men's health and gives the benefits and concerns of a man seeking a vasectomy, Viagra prescription or a colonoscopy.
Hospitals will provide fully abstinent encouragement counseling, supervising physicians for masturbatory discharge and storage for the semen.
Any discharge that is created in a hospital or clinic will be stored for conception for a current or future wife. Any discharge that is created for purposes other than conception or for medical purposes is to be charged $100 for each discharge.
Rectal exams and sonograms will be conducted before a man is allowed to get a vasectomy, a colonoscopy or a prescription for Viagra.
No doctors will only be allowed to perform a vasectomy, provide a Viagra prescription or a colonoscopy with the written consent of the man the procedure will be performed on.
There is also a section where doctors are basically protected for denying a patient a procedure or providing a prescription.
Farrar knows that her bill won't pass but has used this opportunity to shed light on the hypocrisy of her fellow legislators while opening up a national conversation about women's rights, and women's health.