There are people open to their feelings. Able to admit how they feel all the time without a care in the world. Then there are those who hide their feelings deep down inside until it slowly eats them away. Days and days pass without them talking about how they feel. These people are known as shy! Here are ten things the shy do when they have a crush.
1. Word Vomit.
No matter how hard they try to remain calm around their crush they always seem to start saying things that make no sense. For example....
Crush:Hey how are you?
Shy Person: Yeah me too...
2. Avoiding them.
Yeah they have a crush but they are so scared to let their feelings be noticed that they will avoid their crush no matter what. If the crush is in the same class they will try skipping, if they see them in a store they will leave, so on and so on.
Every time they are around them or talk about them they always start turning red.
4.Never Start The Conversation.
If they are with their crush they wait for them to talk because they are to shy and scared to start a 'boring' or 'embarrassing' conversation
5.Depend On Others.
Say they want to hang out with their crush, they will always text their closest friends to make plans with them so they don't give off the idea that they have feelings for them.
6. Eye contact is a NO!
No matter how hard they try they will never be able to look at their crush. Because it is just to embarrassing.
Flirting for a shy person is not their biggest skill. To them flirting is smiling and walking away.
When they know they will see their crush they do what ever it takes to plan out how they will act. Or what they will wear, say or do.
9. Always Talking About Them.
To their friends especially. Because they want advice and want to know if its even worth their time.