Well friends, we have made it to the most difficult time of the semester. We have studied countless hours, cried many tears, and have had many sleep deprived nights. And now it all comes down to this: finals week. Because I am currently procrastinating, here are ten things that I would rather do than take my finals.
1. Take a vacation to North Korea.
2. Relive sixth grade. ((Love you, Meredith))
3. Get my back scratched by Edward Scissorhands
4. Be Brittany Spears in 2007.
5. Swim with alligators.
6. Have my phone ring in a 300 person lecture.
7. Be stuck in the woods with Shia Labeouf.
((See video, it's worth your time))
8. Only be able to listen to Alvin and the Chipmunks version of songs for the rest of my life.
9. Buy used underwear from a second-hand shop.
10. Get a root canal without a numbing shot.
With all of this being said, I would still rather not go to TCU than take my finals. Good luck with your finals!