10 Quotes To Live By
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Student Life

10 Quotes to Live By

Everyone needs encouragement and subtle reminders to love themselves. I gave you a happy puppy to start this off, so that's a good first impression, right? Here's ten quotes to motivate your daily life.

10 Quotes to Live By

Life can be hard sometimes. Everyone needs a pick me up sometimes. Life can get so busy that we forget to love ourselves, and even more-so we can forget that we can do things for us and not just think about other people. Here's ten positive quotes to jumpstart your day/week, so that you can be happier and love life more.

1. "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." -Mark Twain

Everyone has goals in life, whether it is to be a mom, a doctor, a good friend, to lose weight, or to just be happier. The difference between the people who want to do those things and those that ARE doing those things is the fact that the ones that ARE started. They began with small tasks that led them to where they are. Don't be afraid to dream big, but be very sure that you make your dreams a reality.

2. "Create your own sunshine" -Unknown

Someone told me once that no matter where you are YOU have to make things good for yourself. Now, that's tough to take in for someone who's introverted and shy like me. Some people are natural talkers/socializers and make friends very quickly... I am not that person, and it is very hard for me to get out of my shell to meet new people and try new things. However, college has allowed me to do that, and I am forever glad that I have.

3. "The grass is greener where you water it." -Neil Barringham

This kind of goes along with number two. It is so true though that you get out what you put in. If you put in positivity, you'll reap positivity, but the same thing goes for negativity. If you "water" your self love, you'll love yourself more. You have to put in the work for things to be good for you.

4. "Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace." -Unknown

Sometimes life hits us with a curveball, especially as children and teenagers that live under the roof of our parents. One day, you're going to school and everything is great, then one day you come home and get hit with right between the eyes with those dreaded words "We're moving." WHAT?! Just yesterday you were joking with your friends about prom and graduation and being together forever and now you're moving?! How does this happen? Well, while this is the true, sad reality for many kids in many places, it can be a refreshing reminder to bloom gracefully wherever we are. Branch out, make friends, and find happiness wherever you are.

5. "The mind is everything. What you think is what you become." -Buddha

Sometimes we can get caught up in what we think about- good or bad. We can meditate on past failures, and dread new experiences because of the past. Or we can choose to look to the future with joy, we can accept those past failures and move forward, learning from our mistakes. If you think about failure, you will fail, but if you meditate on success, you will succeed.

6. "You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." -Christopher Columbus

I think we can all agree that Christopher Columbus, of all people, would know something about crossing oceans. Well, this is true in the literal sense of sailing, but also in life. If you never take chances, and if you never shoot for the stars, you'll never know what you're missing. You'll never know "what could've been" and that's the saddest parts of life. You miss 100% of the opportunities you don't take.

7. "Wherever you go, go with all your heart." -Confucius

Life is full of adventures. Many people have the opportunities to see many amazing things in their lifetime, but so often they are caught up in their phones or another type of distraction with work or something. Things that they may never see again, they miss, because they were too busy to really pay attention. Wherever you go, go with all that you have. Give your 100% best every single day, and you won't regret missing that one phone call, I can promise you that.

8. "As long as you live, keep learning how to live." -Seneca

Learning doesn't end when you graduate with your last college degree, have your last child, or cry your last tear. Learning is a constant thing that life gives us, and with each thing that we learn, we become better people. Learning is imperative, and once we start realizing that we require learning, it becomes enjoyable. Learning is a gift; don't take it for granted.

9. "All great achievements require time." -Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was an amazing speaker. A writer, a teacher, and a beautiful human that spoke life and positivity with each breath. This quote speaks to the beauty of the journey of life. Things that we desire take time, and oftentimes we find ourselves caught up in our 'microwave society' where when we see something we want it NOW. The beauty of the journey of life is that the best things in life take time, and if we can be patient enough to pursue them, it will be well worth the wait.

10. "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist." -Oliver Wilde

The lives that we are given are supposed to be beautiful. Unfortunately, many people find themselves looking at their lives from the outside, because they are simply floating, seeing where life takes them. Life is about taking the opportunities and running with them, being free, and just letting go to live the best life that you can. Learning to live is one of the hardest lessons to learn, because we are often presented with horrible trials when we begin to take on the lifestyle of freely living, but if we can persevere through the trials, life will be waiting on the other side to bring you the best side of yourself that you've ever known. It's time to live. Don't simply exist today. Laugh, Love and LIVE.

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