Who is Tegan Marie??
Tegan Marie is a 13-year-old who comes from such a small town but has such a big voice. Tegan began writing her own music at the age of 8! But because she is one that possesses, so much talent her music video H.O.L.Y by Florida Georgia Line got 17 MILLION views and still growing. But it doesn't seem to stop there as F.G.L shared her video saying it got them misty eyed.
Tegan is growing up to be one that many are and will continue looking up to. She is an inspiration to many, without even realizing it. She is doing the one thing she loves while being the biggest role model to someone who aspires be just like her.
From the time she stepped in front of the mic, she has brought entertainment to many. With a voice like hers, she is without a doubt going to be known globally if she isn't already.
Her latest cover is Faith Hill This Kiss, is one to give you goose bumps. It was executed perfectly, she sang it as if it was written for her.
The lovely Tegan has released her single Lucky Me that you can purchase on iTunes and it doesn't stop there, all the proceeds go to help with the Flint water crisis. She has a big voice and a big heart.
The one thing that many love about her is the way she is still herself, she is very grounded.
To hear some covers you can go to her social media pages.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Tegansmusicchannel
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeganMarieOfficial/