What To Get A Teenager For The Holidays
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What To Get A Teenager For The Holidays

Are 'The Hunger Games' still a thing?

What To Get A Teenager For The Holidays

Let's be real, y'all. Shopping for teenagers is hard. Some are into the same things they were last year, others change obsessions by the week. Some prefer to pick out their own gifts (because “no one understands them”), while others expect their loved ones to know exactly what they want. Are you at a confused crossroads? Here are some ideas for gifts for the teenagers in your life:

For a Middle Schooler (11-14):

1. Combat boots

This is especially applicable for the rebellious tween in your life. Not to mention the fact that combat boots are making a comeback in the mainstream fashion world. For your tween to wear ironically, or to feel like Katniss/Annabeth/Arya/Whatever cool heroine is popular nowadays, gift them some combat boots!

2. Delicate jewelry

Thin chains with demure charms are always in style. Even if your tween rolls their eyes because they’re in their costume jewelry phase, they’ll soon find out the timelessness of delicate jewelry. Plus, if you get them one with a charm that speaks to their soul (a music note, drama masks, a book, their star sign, etc.) they’ll appreciate the thought no matter what.

3. Attachable camera lens

Even though modern middle-schoolers do not encounter the same brand of embarrassing photographs that older generations did, they still are victim to some *cough* awkward selfies. Why not help them along? You might also inspire a love of photography.

4. Sweatshirts

Middle schoolers are finally hitting that age when they realize it doesn’t usually matter if they look cute for school, but comfort is everything. Also, school spirit is usually pretty prevalent among teenagers—even the rebellious ones (to a certain degree). You can’t go wrong with a school sweatshirt, or one that advertises their favorite sports team or home town. They even have TV-show themed sweatshirts! Gift your tween some comfort for the holidays.

5. Barnes and Noble giftcard

In middle school, students often realize exactly how many books and school supplies they need to buy to help fuel their education. Why not help them along? This giftcard can also be used to buy books for recreational reading, or to buy snacks in the café (all tweens want to get out of the house and away from their parents, after all).

For a High Schooler (14-18):

1.Coffee shop giftcard

Whether your teenager is obsessed with Starbucks, fancies themselves a coffee coinesseur, or enjoys the atmosphere of a café for the purpose of studying, it’s really hard to go wrong by giving them this present.

2. Make-up

For the aspiring beauty-guru, consider splurging and buying them some high-end make-up, like Smashbox primer, a Naked palette, or a Kylie lip kit. Also, there are monthly make-up packages you can get delivered! Check out ipsy for more information.

3. Tickets

Like I said before, teens want to get out of the house. Why not gift them tickets to a college football game, a local concert, or a theatrical production? It’s true that you can’t put a price tag on experiences. Just, be careful to buy for something that they actually want to see! (for instance, don’t get the Katy Perry fan in your life tickets to the Taylor Swift Reputation tour)

4. Dorm Décor

This is especially applicable for seniors in high school! If they haven’t already, next semester they will start freaking out about dorm purchases and roommates. Why not help them out a little bit? Buy posters of their favorite movies, cute-sy decorations—or something more practical, like sheets or a shelving system.

For a college student (18-22):

1. Socks

The gift that many grew up dreading is actually now on our wish lists. You can never have too many socks, especially when you keep losing them in your dorm and the wash.

2. Barnes and Noble giftcard

As I said before, college students also have to buy a lot of books for classes. With the spring semester approaching, why not help them out? They can also get some good coffee (as opposed to the dining hall sludge) and a book of Rupi Kaur poetry.

3. Favorite wine/or beer

For wine-and-cheese nights with their friends or for watching the game with their fellow fans, your college student usually has to search around couch cushions for spare change to buy alcohol. Help them host a fun get-together! Although, maybe this should be reserved for 21+ (unless you’re fine with them drinking).

4. Polaroid camera

Although the polaroid trend has faded a bit, it’s still prevalent. Polaroids make for a great, vintage-feeling decoration for a bland dorm room. In addition, if the zombie apocalypse ever happens, they won’t have to worry about losing all their Instagram pictures.

5. Uber giftcard

Whether they’ve just had a long bar-crawl with their friends or they’re stumbling home from a frat party, parents and loved ones are bound to worry about what shenanigans their college students get in over the weekend. To help ease your worrying—at least a little bit—buy an Uber/Lyft giftcard so they won’t have to find their way back on their own.

6. No more student loan debt

Hey, not every wish has to be completely attainable.

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