In the midst of last weeks tragic events, I think that many Americans have forgotten the importance of love, of acceptance, of compassion and of sympathy. With this past week's tragic shootings, I've seen negative comments from news outlets, politicians, blog websites and social media postings. People are pointing fingers and arguing over what caused this horrific event: guns or religion or race or hate? Although the cause of the shooting in Orlando is absolutely an important topic to ultimately discuss, what people so easily dismiss is the fact that last weekend over 50 innocent human beings lost their lives in the most horrific way imaginable. Those people spent their last moments in fear and hysteria. Their families will never hug them again, never hear their voices again. How can we so easily push to the side the lives lost in this event only to push our personal agendas and beliefs? Instead of seeing a nation banded together in the midst of a tragedy, I see a nation divided. I see a nation full of people who refuse to set aside their differences in order to support 50 human beings who's lives have been lost forever. A nation full of people who refuse to support their neighbors. So for just a moment, toss aside your personal beliefs and truly reflect on what happened on June 12th, 2016. Reflect on how we, as a unified society, can come together and accept one another despite our different beliefs.
If you strongly believe in the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution, look at a person who believes that the lack of gun restrictions in the U.S. is to blame for the massive amounts of mass shootings in the recent past. Look at them and, for a moment, put yourself in their shoes. Maybe they have never held a gun. Maybe they grew up in a dangerous place and were taught to fear guns. Maybe they have seen the damage that a gun can do, and they never want to see it again. Be empathetic towards the way they feel, try to understand why they feel that way. You can strongly and calmly advocate why you believe guns are not the problem, you do not need to resort to harsh and hateful words.
If you believe that radical Islam is to blame for this tragedy, understand that radical Islam is not true Islam, and do not spread hate to all people of the Islamic faith. Try to imagine being an American who believes in Islam. Imagine walking down the street receiving cold stares of pure hatred, simply because you wear a scarf on your head. Imagine having love and support for this country, only to turn on your television and listen to major politicians arguing about how you and your children are a danger to the public. For one moment, imagine how that must feel. Instead of stereotyping and hating someone because of their faith, show them love and understanding. Show them that, even though you may not believe in their faith, we are all one in this country, and we will work together to destroy the terrorism that has strongly affected us for so long now.
And lastly, if you believe that homosexuality is wrong, then by all means, have your beliefs. But please, understand that your beliefs give you absolutely no reason to hate another human being. People of the LGBTQ+ community deal with enough struggle in their lives without having to listen to hateful bigots commenting on their lifestyles. As a person who is not LGBTQ+, I do not know what it is like to live that lifestyle, therefore I am in no position to judge or ridicule a person who is part of that community. If you can't give the LGBTQ+ community love and support instead of spreading your hateful and painful words, simply stay silent on the matter.
Different viewpoints and opinions matter. They allow our country to come up with the best possible plan of action for any situation that comes our way. But spreading hate, using a tragedy to push your own agenda, gets us nowhere. Instead of pushing forward, it pulls us backwards. It showcases us as a country divided, a country always in quarrel. Learn to spread love, understanding, and compassion before you jump to rapid conclusions. After all, love always wins.