Getting Your Life Together
Simple ways on how to get your life together when you feel like it is falling apart.
We all have those days where we want to curl up under a pile of blankets, turn on Netflix, and forget about all of the things we need to do. We also have those days where everything seems to fall perfectly in place and we become the most productive and organized versions of ourselves. The difference between both versions of ourselves is that one is organized and has their things together and the other does not. I've come up with a list of how to get organized and productive.
Get a planner.
I know everyone says it and you've probably heard it a thousand times, but getting and USING a planner will help you stay organized and productive. A planner gives you a place to write down assignments, due dates, important events, and other important things.
If you do not want to use a planner, you can bullet journal. If you do not want to bullet journal, get a calendar and writes down when things are due. Having an assigned notebook for due dates and events works too. Just get something to keep track of when things are done and the important things that you need to know.
Start a journal.
Starting a journal can help you get your thoughts on paper. Organizing your thoughts and getting them on paper can help you to figure out where you need to focus on getting your life together.
When journaling you can write ideas out or plan how you want the day or a certain event to go. This can also help you determine if you were just mentally overwhelmed.
Make your bed.
I know that this one seems really simple, and it is! Making your bed makes your room look more put together and orderly, this is especially important when you are a student living in a dorm. Having your bed made also means that it will be a little more difficult for you to climb back in during the day because you would just have to make the bed again after you got back up. This also leads to the next step.
Clean your room.
Cleaning your room will give you the chance to organize everything and put everything back in its place. When your things are organized, you will know where they are and they won't be cluttered on your floor or desk so you can actually get other things done.
Cleaning your room also allows you to physically get an aspect of your life together. When your room is nice and clean you will want to keep it that way and not mess it up so you have to clean again.
Try having a GYST day.
If you have never heard of a GYST day and you have time to watch a video, click here to see where I learned what a GYST day is. Basically, a GYST day is a day that you set aside to get your stuff together.
On a GYST day, you get all of the things that fell behind during the week done. This can be things like doing laundry, washing dishes you haven't gotten to yet, cleaning your room or apartment or notes and homework that you need to finish.
The day that you choose should be one that you know that you have nothing or very little planned. When you get everything done you should feel like you have at least part of your life back together because you have caught up on the things that haven't been done in a while.
Talk to your friends and just relax.
Sometimes all we need is to just talk about our problems out. Talking to your friends and relaxing away from what is causing you to feel like your life is in shambles can help you figure out how to "fix" it and get a new perspective.
When talking to your friends they can give you advice on what to do, they can even tell you what they would do in your situation and give ways or ideas.
I hope that these tips help you get your life together or even help you to feel a little bit more organized! If you like these tips feel free to share them and even add your own.
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