If The Last 11 U.S. Presidents Were Michael Gary Scott, We'd Probably Be Better Off
The times Michael Scott inhabited the spirit of every modern-era president
No job in human history is as stressful and mentally exhausting as being the president of The United States.
No one in the world but five living people knows what it's like to have the free world on your shoulders.
Only one person who never took the oval office truly understands the gifts and burdens of it, and that man is Dunder Mifflin's paper company leader Michael Scott.
Scott handled situations and connected with his peers that no leader in the country ever could or would. So it's no coincidence that he channeled the spirit of every presidential administration during his lifetime. Or at least the ones who were on colored television.
Note: This list is not a stage for political opinions of any current or former administrations. It is for humor and satire only. If you find any of these Michael Scott gifs offensive either:
1. Ignore it and carry on
2. Share it on your platforms talking about how outraged you are, I'll gladly take the extra views!