Leaving People Behind in 2018 Extends To Family Members, Too
It's hard at first, but overtime, it gets easier.
Families are an important contribution to society - they help grow the population and keep generations going which keeps traditions alive all while making new traditions and memories for the next generation. Some families are super tight-knit and their bond can't be broken while others have cracks, scars, and bruises. No matter what, no single family is perfect and that's a fact.
People going into a new year are often times speaking on leaving friends behind in the past or even their "old selves," but I've found in my 19 years of life, you can leave family members in the past and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it may help you more than you know.
Since a family is one of the stronger institutions of society (I learned that in sociology and it finally came in handy) it is seen as one of the strongest institutions around and is held to a higher standard by, well, everyone; but life happens and divorces and separations are real. Those can either break a family apart altogether or just be one of those cracks, scars, or bruises everyone picks up along the way. Regardless, every family has that one toxic person who ruins Christmas dinner or talks around the bonfire during the summer. It's the one person who you hate to hear come along to spring break and vacations because nobody really wants to be that person who tells them, "Hey, nobody likes you. Get lost." (I mean, I don't mind being that person, but I'd be a bit nicer).
What I'm aiming for here is that it is completely okay to leave toxic family members behind and close the door on them from entering your life. I made that decision and I am slowly seeing myself heal as well as other aspects of my life turn around because there's no longer that toxic stain lurking behind me. It's not an easy process, but in the end, it is totally worth it.