10 Stages You Go Through With A New Puppy
The ups and downs of raising these little fluff balls.
30 May 2019
The ups and downs of raising these little fluff balls.
It definitely sucks in high school, but college is even harder.
In high school, I joined various instrumental and choral groups that allowed me to join others of every grade in one group to do something we all loved. Because of the things I joined (and probably also because of my older sister), I ended up having friends in every grade. And because we were in the same things together, we ended up spending a decent amount of time together.
I got really close with people both older and younger than me. But when the people I was friends with that were older than me started graduating, I got really sad. I knew I wouldn't be able to see them as often, if ever, really, because they'd all be going their separate ways to college and the military and even just working jobs nearby where I could hardly see them. It sucked for sure.
But you know what? Most of them did still live in the area, so I would at least see them over their winter break and over the summer, if not also during their fall and spring breaks.
See, with college, this isn't so much the case. I chose a school that is 3 1/2 hours away from home. There's a large percentage of people from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York on campus as well as a sprinkling of people from Maine, California, Florida, Texas, and I could go on and name all the 50 states along with other countries, but I think you get the picture.
The day I wrote this article, I attended the graduation ceremony at my school for all the seniors (I am currently a junior). To be honest, I don't know that many of the seniors, but I adore the few that I know well. When they leave Susquehanna, they'll go on to grad school, real jobs, different countries, the military, etc. and most of them won't be returning on the weekends or visiting every chance they get. Heck, I'd consider myself lucky if each of them visited at least once a semester.
When I return to school in the fall as a senior myself, I will have to adjust to not having them around all the time. It's gonna suck, but I know they're gonna do great things and I just want them to know they'll always have my love and support. And I'll just have to remind myself that though they can't be there in person, they're only a phone call away.
When I think of pure joy, the first face that comes to my mind is the face of my nephew. I have never seen a human being have as much joy as my sweet sweet nephew. This baby can make anyone's day better, his joy is so contagious. I have never adored another human being so much in my life. From the moment I was told he was on the way until now, he has changed my life. He has had his entire family wrapped around his finger, since the day he was born.
Being an aunt, is not something you grow up thinking about. As girls grow up they have being a mom on their minds. That is what they think about the most. I did not think about being an aunt until my brothers got married. Once they were married, I started to think of the precious bundles of joy they would one day bring into the world. I could not wait for that day. When the day finally came, it was a feeling like no other. I wish I could describe the love and joy that entered my heart seeing my nephew for the first time. I have never experienced that before. I know one day it will be multiplied for my babies, but right now it is all focused on my nephew. I also felt an immense happiness and proudness of my brother and sister-in-law. They did so well and brought a true miracle into this world.
One day my nephew might stumble upon this article, and I want him to know a few things. To my precious nephew, first of all you are so loved. There is no one in your family who does not love you more than words could ever say. We all would do anything for you. You are the sweetest, most joyous, and cutest baby there ever was. (Okay I might be bias; but I'm an aunt I'm allowed.) You are a gift from God and one of his masterpieces, I pray you never believe you are not. The world is a better place because you are in it, you have changed so many lives. You have made all of our lives better and happier. You truly have great parents who clearly love you with all of their hearts. You are everything and more to them. They are lucky to have you, but always remember you are also lucky to have them.
Lastly, your aunt loves you more than she could ever describe. You can always come to me any time and I will spoil you, love on you, and I will always be here for you. You my sweet nephew have changed my world for the better. I love you so much.
Anyone that knows me hears me say multiple times that I prefer dogs over people. They are just overall better creatures compared to most humans. They love us unconditionally, they are adorable, they are funny, and they make life all the more enjoyable and exciting. Whether it be a quiet weekend night in with them watching a movie or going on a vacation or adventure, they are much better companions than most people.
They give so much love in their lives that they sadly use it all up in a tiny portion of a human lifespan. They are pure and loving beings that I would 100% rather hang out with than the majority of the human population. Here are just some of the reasons why life is better with them than people.
Madi Fuertsch
Just that look of absolute adoration makes one rather hang out with their biggest fan, compared to going out with humans that are just okay. Knowing you have someone that loves you as much as your dog is just better than anything else.
Madi Fuertsch
Onesie? Don't care. Sweatpants with a baggy t-shirt? Don't care. They love you no matter what your wardrobe, unlike people.
Madi Fuertsch
You don't even have to try to act cool around them because they know you for the loser you are and love you regardless. They have likely seen you sob over a movie and dance to a favorite song.
Rachel Norris
If you just want a relaxing evening in, who better to include than your four-legged fuzzball. They are down for whatever and that includes absolutely nothing.
Madi Fuertsch
On the other hand, they can be a great motivator to keep active and stay healthy considering they need exercise. You may not love your body as much as them, but you will sacrifice to make sure they stay in tip-top shape. Who knows, maybe you'll learn to enjoy it.
Madi Fuertsch
No one else is better to take on the world with. They are the best companions for the little or the big adventures and make it all the more exciting.
Suzanne Fuertsch
Car ride buddies are the best to have and they are 100% better when they have an adorable, loving face.
Madi Fuertsch
You're a monster to not think dogs are just beyond adorable, especially when compared to humans. Sorry not sorry.
Madi Fuertsch
Humans are nice to snuggle and all, but they just don't have that feel that dogs have. Snuggling a dog makes it feel like everything else in the world will be okay.
Madi Fuertsch
No one gives you a bigger confidence boost than a dog. They just love you and always pay attention to what you are doing, making you feel like the coolest person around.
Madi Fuertsch
Dogs being so darn cute, make everyday activities and adventures funny. Some have a certain look, or a certain quirk that they just always do, or maybe even just their face in general. Either way, dogs make laughter so much more frequent.
Suzanne Fuertsch
They take on life with such excitement and they bring that contagious excitement on to you. I mean we were simply standing in line for food, but he made it all the more exciting and fun because of his expression and personality.
I'm going to go hang out with my dog now...
"Be who you were meant to be and you will set the world on fire."-St Catherine of Siena
Have you ever experienced something that made you look at life in a new way? Where you examined your life and your eyes were opened to the fact that something in your life needs to change? Well, SEEK 2019 has had this impact on my life. It has made me realize that something indeed must change in my life.
What is SEEK2019 you might ask. Well, let me tell you. SEEK is a five-day long retreat where college students from all over the U.S, and many even from other countries come together to experience the Lord in a new way. Many are Catholics who are super into their faith, while others come seeking to discover what the truth is.
All come seeking more than what this world provides for us. The world offers us pleasures and comforts of this life, but God offers the opportunity to spend eternity with him in paradise. Eternity is far longer than the time here on earth, and between you and me, sounds like a much better deal than the one the world gives us.
Imagine 17,000 young people gathering together because they want more than what the world has to offer, and you'll get a glimpse of what seek was like. So, what was the impact it had on my life? Well, as most young people, I had my struggles going into the retreat. Between the battle I fight with anxiety and depression, work being draining, and the financial stress of college, life just felt like it was piling higher than I could see.
Going into the week I felt like I was able to get away from my struggles and learn what it truly means to have peace and a stronger relationship with the Lord again. Coming to college, I often had found myself too busy for prayer, confession, daily Mass, adoration. I really found myself using excuses for why I wasn't spending much time with God. Sure I didn't lose my faith by going to college, but I sure didn't do a great job at taking care of it.
Going to a few Catholics On Campus events and showing up to Sunday Mass, isn't really much of a faith life. What it is, is keeping up a face of having a faith life. During the week I was at SEEK, through the influence of the speakers, people I encountered and the moments I spent in deep prayer, God showed me that I still had the ability to change the mess of a life I had.
That I needed to come back to Him. He reminded me of His great and unconditional love for me which is greater than any amount of love a human person could give me. He reminded me that I am not alone. That I am more than the sum of my problems.
He also showed me that I am apart of some bigger plan and that He does not want the world to go on without me. That I can make a difference in the world if I do my little part. My eyes were opened to the fact that I need to be who God made me to be. St. Catherine of Siena once said, "Be who you were meant to be and you will set the world on fire." There is only one you in the world, make it count.
This is half sentimental and half an apology in advance for the arsenal of videos I have ready for your wedding reception.
Little brothers are good for a lot of things: cuddles, wrestling matches, and go-to scapegoat for every broken dish and clogged toilet. No matter how annoying they try to be, they're truly irreplaceable and loved more than they will ever know. Four years ago, our family grew from seven to eight with surprise baby #6. It's no secret that you're my favorite sibling, Toby, but I don't think the other sibbies care. You're still stuck with bedtime at 8.
I'm so thankful to have you in my life and I want you to grow up knowing that:
Netanya Brittain
Whether it's jamming to "Look What You Made Me Do" on the way to the gym or getting lost on new roads, I always feel happier when I look in the rearview and you're in the backseat gabbing away. You make road trips (and my driving) 100% better.
Netanya Brittain
As tedious as commuting to campus is, I'm grateful because it means I get to stay in your life longer. I was worried that going to college would mean I'd be that older sibling you barely know, but it doesn't look like that will happen any time soon. Plus, Mom gets a convenient chauffeur.
Netanya Brittain
Remember all those diapers Mom made me change and all those hours of "Paw Patrol" you made me sit through? You have no idea what's coming...
Netanya Brittain
Know that when I say this, I only mean the best. More than anything I want you to grow up into the person you were born to be, but I also don't want you to make growing up your first priority. Enjoy being the little guy while you can—the benefits are endless.
Netanya Brittain
You are the cutest little bundle of tantrums and joy on planet Earth and I am so blessed to be your big sister. You make me proud to be mistaken for your mom...
...excluding that one time when the ShopRite cashier thought Dad and I were your parents. That was a little too weird.
Netanya Brittain
Embrace your "baby" status: it means special treatment and lifelong adoration.
Netanya Brittain
Toby, you'll always be that eensy little bundle in the hospital room I was too afraid to hold for fear of dropping you. Four years feels like forever already and you'll never have to worry about making your family proud, because you already have.