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Health Wellness

Super Brain Food!

Your brain is a muscle, just like any other, exercise and take care of it - you only have one!


I've noticed a growing issue with our generation is our opt to take the easy and quick option in our life decisions. More noticeably when these decisions involve our bodies and health. Opting to starve instead of properly diet, opting to eat fast food and microwaveable meals as opposed to putting the time into home-cooked meals, opting to over-indulge on vitamins and fast working medicines when ill rather than taking one's daily dose in vitamins.

When asked, most people would tell you that proper and regulated health involves a well-balanced diet, a regular sleeping schedule, and following an exercise regiment. Vague in nature, following just these three principles often neglect our bodies. There's a muscle that is much neglected these days. Our brains!

Your brain is a muscle just like your bicep or your hamstring, without exercise and activity it starts to lose its function.

In 2017 around 44 million people reported being affected by Alzheimer's disease or related forms of dementia. Although genetics and environments play a large role in one's probable diagnosis, medical professionals attest that there is proof of prevention by keeping one's brain active and keeping one's vitamins levels high.

Before entering my junior year in college, arguably one of if not the most important year in my undergrad career, I decided to take better control of my health. I try my absolute best to only drink water, I'm trying to slowly convert to a vegan friendly diet, I get at least 7 hours of sleep at night, make it my mission to exercise at least 5 times a week, take daily vitamins, and most importantly began giving my brain the attention and care it deserves. This is where BrainCeutix came to play.

I was recommended Natures Plus new vitamin line: BrainCeutix by a close family friend. She began taking them as a form of immune and nutritional support for her daily activities and cognitional experiences. She immediately noticed she was feeling a lot more alert and functionally aware at work. I just had to try them myself.

BrainCeutix features a unique combination of three parts that not only protect your brain, but increase its levels of clarity, sharpness, and focus. BrainCeutix Multi supports cognition, concentration, and clarity with high-potent nutritional pills that also properly nourish and energize not only the brain but the total body too. BrainCeuitx Omega+ is an essentially enhanced Omega 3 supplement (a super brain food) that is full of antioxidants which work to protect, strengthen, and repair brain cells all whilst supporting optimal brain function. And last, but not least, BrainCeuitx Boost provides your brain the most natural and nutritional support and boost to maximize the brain's function - thinking more clearly, having more energy.

I began taking all three pills in mid-May. They became a part of my daily routine. I came back from the gym around 10 A.M. and took my daily women's multi-vitamin, my birth control, and each of the BrainCeutix pills - and then the other two with lunch and dinner.

I started feeling results immediately. Not only do I feel more confident knowing my brain is being supported and taken care of as I age, but I can physically feel the results in my daily activities. In late February I started studying towards my LSAT test that I have to take in about a year. When I compare how I felt then as to how I feel now when I study, I feel as though I am a lot more concentrated and understanding of my material. As a whole, I feel more energized and alert during the days. I can't wait to bring my BrainCeutix with me back to college! I know with my super brain food on my side, studying for exams will be just a little bit easier! I truly believe this is one of the up and coming products on the growing health and fitness market - especially amongst the youth my age. I recommend all my peers to give BrainCeutix a try when going back to their school year!

What's truly special about the Natures Plus brand is their strive and determination to authenticity. A family-owned and ran company, Natures Plus delivers products of the utmost and high quality from the manufacturing stage up until the delivery stage. I have had such a great and beneficial ex[erice with the BrainCeutix line, I can't wait to try other Natures Plus products.

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