In the last few weeks of school everyone is stressed about finals, anxious for classes to end, and ready summer to come. It’s always a bittersweet time of year, to leave friends and pack up to go back home for the summer, but here we are. Speaking from experience, coming home after another year of college and living at home can have its perks and downfalls, including:
You get to be pampered
Parents miss taking care of their kids and this become evident when you come home for the summer. No complaints about the laundry service and fresh made coffee in the morning. Thanks mom!
Freedom is fleeting
Although the pampering is great, sometimes when you are back at home your parents forget that you’ve been living on your own for while and try to reign some of your freedom back in. They try to get you to clean your room, come back at a certain time, it’s all just too much.
Comfort of your own home
Being at home in your own bed is absolutely wonderful. No more cramped dorm rooms, no more watching TV on a minuscule screen, finally room to breathe!
Oh so many questions
Where are you going?
Who are you going out with?
What time will you be home?
How much money did you spend?
You’re going out again?
I know it’s out of love, mom and dad, but let’s stop with the questions.
Hometown friends
One of the great things about being home are your hometown friends. There’s always going to be a special connection with the people you grew up with. It’s nice to have that time with them at home over the summer since time with them is so short-lived!
It's so different to go from living with your best friends to living back at home with your family and parents. No one has the same sleep schedule as you and is up to watch Netflix at 2 a.m. You're not only missing your friends, but your school and the people that come with it.
As much as we'd like to think it is, summer isn't as care free as it used to be in our childhood. As young adults we've got a lot more to focus on between making money for the incoming school year and pressures of getting an internship. But, in the meantime, spending a little quality time at home and with family can't hurt!