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21 Things To Do In Dallas During The Hot-Ass Summer

Gotta love Texas.


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This one goes out to all of my readers who are from Dallas or somewhere in Texas. Y'all know that the summer in Texas is UNBEARABLE. In honor of one of my best friends coming into town from California, here are some fun things to do in Dallas!

1. Explore the wide variety of food

Dallas is a foodie heaven. There are so many different categories to choose from. If you're like me and LOVE Tex-Mex, definitely check out Mi Cocina and Torchy's. So yum. Other good restaurants can be found in Uptown and Trinity Groves. You can find something you like wherever you go.

2. Head over to Northpark Mall to get some shopping done

Northpark is legit my second home. It is the biggest mall in Dallas and literally my favorite place ever. If you can't find me at home, you'll find me at Northpark.

3. Catch a movie at one of the many movie theaters

I LOVE watching movies in the summer. My friends and I are always waiting for the new releases and love going to the AMC in Northpark (mentioned above).

4. Sunbathe at Klyde Warren Park

Klyde Warren Park is a beautiful outdoor park in the middle of Downtown Dallas. It's directly across the street from the Dallas Museum of Art and has many food trucks and places for you to relax. On the weekends, they have concerts and even yoga/workout classes in the mornings.


This. Place. Is. Amazing. I freaking love the Dallas Aquarium. Anytime someone comes to visit my family, we always go to the aquarium. Highly recommend

6. Feeling sciencey? Check out the Perot Museum

I used to work at the Perot Museum and I absolutely loved it. It's a great place to take your kids or to come yourself and enjoy the interactive exhibits.

7. Chow down at 560

560 is the restaurant at the top of Reunion Tower. It has amazing food (a little pricey) and a great view of all of Downtown Dallas. It also spins!

8. Visit the Arboretum

The Arboretum is a beautiful garden in Dallas. I come here every year with my family to take Easter pictures. It's a gorgeous place to have picnics and hang out with your family. I love it.

9. If you're a tourist, you can see where JFK was shot

You can go up to the floor where the shooter shot JFK through the window. You can also see the spot on the street where JFK was in his car when he was shot. Dallas is full of history like this.


Literally one of my favorite things ever to do as a child (and now). Being at Fossil Rim feels like you're in Africa. They have a wide variety of animals (i.e. zebras, giraffes, ostriches) that you can feed and drive by. It is so so so fun and I highly recommend this to anyone.

11. The Dallas Zoo!!

The zoo? Come on, it's a classic. The Dallas Zoo is one of my favorites in the US, but you could say that I'm biased.

12. Rollercoaster junkie? Visit Six Flags Over Texas

I am deathly afraid of rollercoasters, so you won't see me here. But, it's a super fun place to go with your friends if you're looking for a thrill. Once my friends made me go on the one pictured, The Titan. Safe to say that I passed out. If you're not a fan of rollercoasters though, they also have water rides if you want to cool off in the Texas Heat.

13. Great Wolf Lodge is NOT just for kids...believe me

This may seem so random, but going to Great Wolf Lodge during the summer is such a good idea. They have both an indoor and outdoor waterpark AND you can stay in the fun rooms. I had my 5th grade birthday party here and it was SO FUN. I would absolutely go back again if I could.

14. Want to go clubbing or just enjoy the nightlife? Head over to Uptown or Greenville Avenue

Uptown is a beautiful part of Dallas, filled with great places to get drinks or go clubbing with your friends. Same with Greenville Avenue or Knox-Henderson.

15. DMA

Art connoisseur? Check out all the amazing art pieces at the Dallas Museum of Art and Nasher Sculpture Center.

16. Deep Ellum is your go-to place for music and chill restaurants

There is a concert almost every day in Deep Ellum. People head there from all over to get a taste of its wide variety of food.

17. Amazing street art + fashion = Bishop Arts District

This hip part of Dallas is known for its nightlife, chic fashion stores, and amazing street art.

18. Highland Park Village

Let me just tell you that Highland Park is boujee as hell. Every store is high end and it's so pretty to walk around. My favorite restaurant there is Bistro 31 (highly recommend). They also have a cute movie theater where you can go with your friends!

19. It's only a 30 minute drive to the Magnolia Silos

If you watch Fixer Upper on HGTV, this is the place to go. The Silos was created by Chip and Joanna Gaines as a place for people to come together in Waco, Texas. They have tons and tons of food stalls, cute little swings and outdoor patios, and an amazing store filled with all of their merchandise.

20. Head over to Fort Worth and check out the Stockyards!

If you're craving for some country music and want to see what people from other states believe Texas is, go to the Stockyards. They have a rodeo, cattle drive, a maze, and a huge candy store perfect for kids and adults alike.

21. Catch a show at the Winspear Opera House

The Opera House is absolutely beautiful. They have amazing shows and musicals every month. Definitely something to check out if you're ever in Dallas.

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