Suburban Girl Enters Construction Life
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Suburban Girl Enters Construction Life

Lessons learned by a noob-status intern.

Suburban Girl Enters Construction Life
Hailey Hunt

About a month ago, my golden retriever, Lexi, bounded toward me, only to shake muddy salt water all over my Lululemon leggings. Meanwhile, my friend Jenna chased after the silly pup, sternly telling her “no”, and silently mouthing to me, “sorry”. Yup, that’s the dog park for you. Oh, and did I mention I was on the phone being screened for an internship opportunity?

A week later, I felt the cold leather of an office chair through my itchy tights as I was interviewed in person by the contracting and engineering company. I was surprised when asked if I would like to intern for a road repair project far from home, in the mountains, where they’d pay for my lodging (which was apparently lakefront property). Surprised and excited, I quickly said yes, and here I am with little to no cell service and a trailer as an office.

I’m literally a deer in the headlights. And, since I’m working in the forest, I’ve seen lots of actual deer in my headlights. (Be extra careful when driving at night!) Here are some of the unexpected things that I’ve learned this summer.

PPE is the new sexy.

Always wear it so that you can use the port-a-potty at any job site of your choosing!

Yes, it’s possible to get sunburned while it’s overcast and/or raining and/or snowing. No need for makeup – just sunscreen.

One day it can be 90 degrees F, and the next it's snowing on the tops of mountains and is hovering in the low 40's. Which means...

Ski socks and work boots are life. They keep your toesies toasty, and are thick enough to keep others from smelling your foot sweat.

It’s fun to wake up at 5 a.m. to the smell of coffee...

Sip on it as you prepare to check out and repack your car, only to check back into a new room after work. Motel room hopping is a thing.

Life isn't so bad when the only place you get wifi doubles as a restaurant and grocery store (with coffee, of course).

Appreciate Mom and Pop shops that tell a story, and get to know that locals - that's what builds genuine relationships and community.

Even if people can seem rough around the edges, talk to them! Everyone has a different background and a story to tell.

There are too many bugs to be killing spiders. (I think my windshield can prove that.)

With all the flies in each room, I always purposefully allow a family of at least six daddy long legs to live with me. I hope they appreciate the warm home.

SEW stands for Structural Earth Wall.

It is extremely satisfying to stand where plans on paper coming to life.

If something’s not safe, shut it down until you can find a different way that is safe. For example, an extra strap never hurts when you’re loading a few thousand tons of concrete in a pickup for 3 hours at 70 mph.

On that note, bring lots of CD's - running office errands may take a few hours.

Carry a knife with you, always (hopefully only to open packages, and to occasionally turn on a broken heater).

Only buy food that can be cooked in the microwave or eaten raw, because your room doesn't always have a stove.

This is home now--spend time in nature, away from technology, reflecting and growing and getting to know yourself.

Also, enjoy dinner, showering and sleeping, because that’s all you’ll do before you go to sleep and wake up and start working again.

Business and scheduling is 80 percent of the job. Enjoy the view from your office:

Save time and avoid miscommunication by picking up the phone--don’t text or email. (Unless the person you're trying to reach is currently on the job site without service.)

Use your best judgment. If the boss isn’t available to talk, do what you think is best, or what you think they would think is best.

Spyder Excavators are possibly the coolest machines on this planet.

Throw a rock at the bucket at an excavator you’re approaching so that the excavator driver knows you’re there.

Yes, there is such thing as a 14” diamond blade that cuts both asphalt AND concrete.

The more road repairs, the more jobs for people, the safer the roads, and the better our world.

Actually drive slower by flaggers and through sites. Laborers are working hard to make things safe for everyone, so be careful not to make their dangerous job any more dangerous.

Take lunch breaks at the nearest scenic viewpoint.

You never know when you'll find these hidden gems.

There is nothing more beautiful than driving east along the river as the sun rises through the mountains.

Fuel up before you’re 40 miles away from the nearest Shell with the empty light glowing an ominous orange.

And remember - diesel sprays. EVERYWHERE.

All in all, don’t be afraid to ask questions. People know what position you're in, and are usually more than willing to help. Write everything down. Everyone starts somewhere. Accept that you’re learning, and if anyone thinks you’re dumb, then they just can't see your potential.

There’s nothing you can’t do.

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