Styles Of Love
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Styles Of Love

What is it exactly?

Styles Of Love

My definition of love? Mine is complicated. I'll get to that later. Let me break something down for you beforehand.

Did you know that there are a variety of definitions of 'love' altogether? Well, according to Canadian psychologist J.A. Lee, that is. For those interested or familiar with psychology, it's on the same basis of Erickson's stages of psychosocial development. According to J.A. Lee, in Colours of Life: An Exploration of the Ways of Loving, he pertains to love as something that we become competent in within grade school — the color wheel. He breaks down the six styles of love just as the primary and secondary colors are defined. Let me introduce you to them: Eros, ludus, and storge are all considered to be the primaries. Mania, pragma and agape are secondary.

Let's get started.

1. Eros: Lust or love?

Eros is focused on satisfaction and that only. It's passionate and that is why I believe people have the tendency to become clouded with judgment when figuring out if what they are experiencing is in fact 'love' or just intimacy within a relationship. Erotic lovers will choose their significant other by intuition or what they consider to be "chemistry."

2. Ludus

Or otherwise known as the playful love. In fact, in Latin, the word ludus means "game." Ludicrous lovers search for as much fun to the best of their ability. Becoming vulnerable and expressing their thoughts within a relationship aren't common either. Manipulative actions can take part in this with intentions of only gaining power and control over a partner. You have to be careful with lyric lovers, they could be toxic.

3. Storge

My favorite one. Storge is based off of the progression and realizing potential of who is in mind. It is usually compared to the love that you receive from a friend — and what do you have to obtain in order to maintain a friendship? Trust and commitment, which is not developed in one day. All in all, it takes time and patience with someone who experiences love as storge and the understanding that commitment altogether is not the only aspiration of their own life.

4. Mania

What did you think of when you read that? Mania is exactly what it sounds like — possessiveness and obsession.

Manic lovers could be defined as those that put their partner before themselves or those that fall in love way too easily. There's nothing wrong with this at all, but at the same time manic lovers could be extremely impulsive. Which in result could make what had the potential to be great, burn out before it even had a chance to start. Ludic lovers would be the manipulator to the Manic.

5. Pragma

You know how the right side of your brain is responsible for your ability to be creative, interest and tendency to flourish in the arts rather than science or math, while your left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for reason and logic? This is in the same field— pragma love could be also known as logic. Pragmatic lovers do not perceive love as crazy, out-of-hand or intense at all. In fact they see it as common sense and reason: the same way most people come to the conclusions on life decisions is the same way they handle love.

6. Agape

Agape is considered to be the love for everyone. Definitely another favorite of mine and something that I think I take more part in. It's selfless and just a nurturing, giving love. This one is not directed towards anyone specifically, as stated before. Think of it as "universal." The agape lover will emphasize generosity and take more patience, forgiveness, understanding and loyalty. Some of which other varieties of love definitely don't take part in themselves.

Now, my idea of love is not like in the movies. It's not getting married at 24 and having your family by 30. It is not at all considered to be materialistic possessions. I understand that love comes in all shapes and forms and isn't something that should be sat around and waited for — partly the reason why I explained other types of love that is given out. It's not an aspiration in my life that I need to work on obtaining because I'm well aware of all the diverse amounts that is surrounded by me already at the moment. It's not only based on intimacy, through friendships, through family — like I've explained before. It is not based on one person.

I'm blessed enough to realize how much of a supportive family I have, friends that I am careful to share my most vulnerable moments and emotions within my life. It is the opportunities that are given throughout the confidence and love within myself because I believe that I deserve more in life and in the long run — which without a doubt was something that had to be developed over time and in experience with. That transition of who I was to who I am becoming is something that I consider to be love.

Everyone has their own definition. Ask yourself, if love could talk - what would it say? Maybe that will spark some ideas in what your own definition of love is.

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