Many of us don't remember learning to walk, or how many falls it took us to get up, stand, and go. Nowadays society expects us to know exactly what we are doing with our lives, and where we are going.
When many are just completely lost and don't even understand life its self.
It is okay to fall, trip and hurt; we learn to pick ourselves up and continue. Life is filled with billions of lessons. With those lessons we can better ourselves. It is okay to not completely understand what is going on or what's happening in your life. Regardless, every day you are growing, learning and strengthening yourself.
We are young. Explore.
Don't be so hard on yourself or expect to have it all together right now. I know many of us look around and observe other lives and begin to compare. You begin to question "Why am I here in this situation?" At the end of the day, you are in the situation you are all for a purpose. Whether that purpose is good or bad, known or unknown.
Sit tight for the ride, and breathe.
In your 20's you begin to discover who you are and what you want in life. From education, to your lifestyle, to friends or other relationships. You should be exploring all of life's options. By the time you hit your 30's you're supposed to be dirty and flirty—totally kidding. That time is when all of your friends are supposed to have their sh*t together. 40's, you are wishing you did much more in your 20's, but instead you were worrying and stressing about how your life should have been at the moment, sometimes regretting placing everyone before yourself—doing everything else except enjoying life.
Don't forget to live.
You can't have it all together. You are going to stumble throughout life, but just let it happen. Stop fighting yourself and stop fighting Him. God is doing all of this for a reason. All that is happening in your life, you should take note of and learn from. Never take it as if it's the end of the world. It is all building you into a greater you and it's giving you the strength that you didn't know you had in you.
Lessons are being taught every day, so enjoy them.
Remember that you didn't learn how to walk from night to day.
Stop giving yourself half credit, because we both know you are doing your best.
Life is a daily battle you face. Everyday you choose how you'd like to live your life.
Let Him. Believe and Pray every day.