Have you ever been asked to help someone with directions multiple times a day? Has a complete stranger ever told you their life story and expected advice or feedback? Do babies, kittens, and old people naturally cling to you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be struggling with the phenomenon known as "Resting Nice Face." You’re all smiles and giggles all the time and probably don’t even notice it. On the inside you’re wishing people would stop talking to you and just leave you alone, but on the outside you probably look like this.
I am sure we are all familiar with Resting Bitch Face. No matter how friendly one of our friends may be, they just cannot help but look like she wants to ax murder every person she comes into contact with. Here are seventeen times Resting Nice Face people probably wish we had Resting Bitch Face.
- Men always take your smile as an excuse to flirt.
- Salespeople on the street or at mall kiosks LOVE when you walk by. They have been ignored all day, your smiling face is such a refresher.
- People assume you're much younger than you actually are.
- On the rare occasion that you do appear upset, EVERYONE wants to know what is wrong.
- You have to try your very hardest to look effortlessly cool. SO difficult, especially on a campus like mine where everyone is actually cool.
- “Sweetie,” “baby,” “cupcake,” and basically any other pet name imaginable... you've have been called it, even by people you don’t know.
- “Why are you so happy?” is a common question, as if happiness is odd.
- People assume you are more trusting, so they share secrets and belongings with you very frequently.
- When you are angry, NO ONE believes you.
- Your cheeks hurting from smiling too much is a common ailment.
- If you are out eating or doing anything alone, strangers will come and sit with you, whether you want them to or not.
- Bus, airplane, DMV, library… no matter where you are, if someone you do not know sits next to you, it is guaranteed that they will chat with you.
- “Sexy” is definitely not a word that is used to describe you… usually “cute” or “awkward” do a better job.
- Back to unwarranted flirting, men seriously don’t know how to take the hint when you are not interested.
- You get mistaken for being simple or ditzy a lot of the time.
- No one has actually asked before they hug or touch you, it just happens.
- You accidentally make a friend everywhere you go.
In a way, Resting Nice Face is a blessing. People will never think you are mean since they don’t think you are capable of being mean; you can always count on people talking to you; and you most likely, always, have a funny story to tell your friends because strangers are always approaching you…and strangers are hilariously weird. On the bright side, resting nice face isn’t that bad of a thing and you probably are actually a nice person. You go, you!