Fiction On Odyssey: Story Of An Adolescent
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Fiction On Odyssey: Story Of An Adolescent

My adolescent mind in a nutshell.

Fiction On Odyssey: Story Of An Adolescent
Nazcan Turkmen

If the extraterrestrials are real, which I am pretty sure that we can’t be the only ones in this universe, then how many of them are out there? We call them extraterrestrial because it refers to ‘beyond the planet Earth’ from, of course, Latin words. Or simply Hollywood calls them ‘aliens’ which means a creature from outer space. Alright, now if aliens are from outer space that we don’t know much about, then doesn’t that make us aliens for other alien kinds too? We still didn’t meet them but I don’t think there is not only little gray creatures are out there but some other type of creatures too. Now think deeper; there are planets just like ours, living beings going to their works or maybe fighting with big ass monsters with lightsabers, I don’t know, I can keep thinking about this but that is not the time now. My point is, what do they believe? What are they thinking about their existence? Do they believe in God or anything like that? Isn’t this how it always starts; questioning your existence? And then what happens when they die? Do they go to heaven, Valhalla or some other cool place? Are we gonna meet them in heaven and we all are going to drink our Guinnesses, I am hoping that there will be Guinness, and laugh? What if they are cooler than us and we missed to chance to do peace with them because we never believed?

“You should smile more.”

I was swinging between galaxies and all of a sudden I felt something on my back and before I realize that a vacuum appeared and sucked me back into my reality.

I turned around and face the responsible individual who dared to turn on that fucking vacuum. She was half smiling while holding the tip of the pen on my back. “What?”

“I said you should smile while sitting right in the front and listening to her, not look at her like you are planning how to kill her.” She whispered.

“What? I wasn’t thinking about that.”

“What were you thinking about?”

I opened my mouth to share my travel but then I realized she was chewing a gum loudly and her eyes were dull as the grumpy old lady living next door. I sigh “Just stuff.” Not worth it.

She raised one of her eyebrows, ready to say something in return but our special conversation froze when we heard someone clearing their throat, very loudly. This was a sign to turn my head forward, when I did I saw our music teacher Ms. Melody looking at our direction. “Am I interrupting something?”

I wasn’t expecting Gum to cover us up but I still waited for her to say something but all I heard was a gulp. So long, gum. “Nothing, Ms. Melody, we were just talking about how right you are.”

“Oh? About what exactly, Ms. Dreamy?”

Think fast. I glanced at the wall what projector was showing. “That The Beatles are overrated. Everyone says they are the greatest band of all time but in reality, there were a lot of better bands at that time.”

Some of the people chuckled and some of them made a noise that showing they disagree with me. Ms. Melody shook her head slowly and then took a deep breath. “I was actually saying how great The Beatles were.” I pressed my lips together and closed my eyes. Of course. “I need you to write me a-“ Before she could finish her deadly words, the bell rang. I opened my eyes quickly and left the classroom not even looking at her direction.

“Next time say the opposite thing in your mind.” My friend caught up to me on the stairs. “You should’ve known by now that your ideas don’t match with others.”

I kept going up the stairs. “What if everyone thinks like that and that is why they act so stupid because they say the opposite thing.” Someone, I assumed a junior, bumped into me and murmured something I wished was a 'sorry'. “They just can’t stop trying to impress people! For example, the majority of our generation ‘loves’ The Beatles because they think it’s a cool thing, a brand.” While I said ‘loves’ I made quotation marks with my fingers to point my sarcasm. “If only they spend just a little more time to try to make something of themselves…” I turned to look at her but she was already talking to a group of girls. “…everything could’ve much more different in this world.”

I still feel like myself. I can’t say I feel lonely because I always felt that way, that would be illogical. I still think that I am the normal one in this insanity. I don’t have any problem with my inner demons, I know who I am. I know that I can’t be that person who is obsessed with trends. I just need a spark, a challenge to roll in my way so I can get the hell out of this so-called society. Future became the new phone which we don’t need but we are going to buy anyways or new stupid and violent ideas to make more money. It’s like people don’t want to hear any bad news and want to keep living like that. I know this is the truth but as a human being, it is always hard to accept this.

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