**The article below contains spoilers. Read at your own risk.**
The new Netflix original show Thirteen Reasons Why just came out and everyone is buzzing about it. I was skeptical, at first, to watch it. So many people kept raving about how great it was and the story line was perfect. I debated about whether or not I should spend the time to watch it. It is a show about a girl committing suicide because of other teenagers. Why would I want to spend 13 hours of my life watching that? I decided to give it a try and watch it. I was so glad I did. It opened my eyes to so much that we need to put a stop to. For the first several episodes I was conflicted and confused. Why was there such a hype about it? Why was Hannah being, what I thought at the time, over dramatic? Didn't she bring this upon herself? As it went on, I realized that everything she did and said was justified. No one deserved the things that happened to her.
A common thing reflection that I see about this show is: "It should have never been made. It just glorified suicide and rape." I completely disagree with every single person. It no way shape or form did it glorify suicide or rape. It showed how brutal rape can be. I have never had to sit through something as painful as watching Hannah Baker and Jessica Davis get raped by a classmate. It showed everyone what something like that can do to a person. It physically and mentally tore the 2 characters apart. Adding to the rape scenes, watching Hannah Baker slit her wrists and bleed out in a bath tub was the most emotional, painful thing someone could do. The main purpose of adding these scenes was to make the viewers feel uncomfortable and it did just that. It showed every consequence of these actions. It is hard to think about the fact that people do resort to that because they feel that they will never be good enough. I have also seen many articles blaming Hannah for not reaching out for help. But, when you feel like you are disappointing many and have no one to turn to would you have thought to reach out for help? Another common thing we hear about the show is the the fact that Hannah and Clay both had mental illnesses and nothing was done about that. The show was created to shine a light on the brutal effects suicide and bullying have on people, not to bring awareness to their mental illnesses. After all, it was based on a book that did not factor in their mental illinesses. I also don't think that these scenes of abuse and bullying made people think it was "cool" now to do. It brings awareness to the situations and opens the eyes of so many people.
Thirteen Reasons Why brought up so many real issues that are relevant today. Students walk down hallways, on the daily, and criticize and ridicule other people for things they do because they think it's funny. We need to take time to step back and realize that these people, that you are making fun of, have feelings and should be respected. It only takes 1 person to change someone's life forever.
If you or someone you know is considering suicide call l 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or visit suicidepreventionlifeline.org. You are not alone.