Why We Need To Stop Buying Fur #NoMoreFur
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Why We Need To Stop Buying Fur #NoMoreFur

Once you know how it came to be, it’s hard not to cringe when you see people wear it.

Why We Need To Stop Buying Fur #NoMoreFur
Clem Onojeghuo // Unsplash

I was walking across the Mesa College campus last semester and saw a girl sporting a “Stop Animal Testing” tote bag, while wearing knee high Ugg boots. I’m not going to lie. I did something questionable. I pulled her aside and said “does your bag say 'stop animal testing?" She replied, "yes?” I tilted my head out of confusion and said “you might want to reconsider your shoe choice...?” She glared and said “they’re old,” and walked away. See, the absurdity to me in this situation is that Uggs are made by skinning pieces of sheep alive. They're petrified, they're bleeding. It isn't fashionable, its made out of suffering. Unless her opposition is to the scientific component, her supposed, advertised belief was actually in complete conflict with another accessory she had on. What’s crazier to me, is that it isn’t about the shoes; it is about what you are promoting and normalizing. We should look at Uggs in disgust, instead of saying “oh well they’re dead anyway" or "I own them anyway.” No. For a lot of people, they don’t know that. You are an example to every person you encounter.

This happens with me lot as well. My diet is vegan, but every morning I put on Maybelline mascara. I own a massive, leather backpack, and I probably ingest products that include palm oil without even realizing it. All of these directly contribute to the suffering of animals, which is exactly why I’ve rejected factory farmed meat and the dairy industry. So I started buying other products, like locally made deodorant. Organic soap. Vegan, animal cruelty free make-up. These products are often pricier, but honestly, not by much. They last longer and feel better, and the best part is that they won’t make you sick. Parabens and aluminum found in many beauty products have been shown to be linked to cancer. So really, even if its a few dollars now, think about the money you’ll save in the future, by not having exorbitant medical bills. Preventative healthcare, is what my friend calls it, and he’s right.

Now, onto the topic we all dread, and the title of this article; the fur industry. I bring this up because I see a very clear contrast on the topic. You either have the people who know how fur is obtained, are nauseated by it, and are incredibly opposed to the product. Then, you have the progressive wealthy millennials who don’t understand how it’s sourced, or haven't done the research, and will sport enormous, glamorous fur coats while sipping on organic, craft cocktails. It’s all very confusing to witness, and it is a topic that deserves more attention. Fur is not cool anymore, and I get very freaked out when I see a model from Los Angeles boasting fur at a fashion event. Or Justin Bieber. I mean seriously, if we’re going to be a community that promotes progressive beliefs, how in the world are celebrities still getting away with wearing fur?! As consumers, as fans, as conscious young people, we should be making this practice completely frowned upon. All it takes to become informed, is Googling "how are Uggs made?" I mean, the animals are literally skinned alive so that their flesh doesn’t rot before being cured. At that point they’re usually thrown to the side to bleed out. So if you think a fur coat is that cool, Google image what a pile of writhing, skinless minks look like, screaming in pain. Super fly Bieber. Super fly. When I grow up I want to be just like you.

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