Stop Being Judgmental: Why Are You So Obsessed With What I Wear For Class?
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Stop Being Judgmental: Why Are You So Obsessed With What I Wear For Class?

Because my leggings and XL sweatshirt aren't affecting your education

Stop Being Judgmental: Why Are You So Obsessed With What I Wear For Class?

Look, I’m not saying your point of view is wrong.

But what I don’t understand is why what I’m wearing to class bothers you? Are you distracted by my t-shirt and leggings? Is my hair not being straightened somehow jeopardizing your education? Because if so, I’m sorry. After all, that’s why we’re all in college, to get an education.

So if you’re this concerned about what I’m wearing to class, here’s why I wear whatever I want (including the leggings and XL sweatshirt you’re so fixated on).

1. I Feel Better

Look the way you want, feel the way you want. Am I right? When you show up to class putting your best foot forward, you can start your whole day off on a positive note. My best foot is going to be wearing whatever shoes I want to wear that day because the quality of my day is determined by my attitude NOT my worn-in Converse.

2. Have More Confidence

Don’t you love it when you know you can take on the world no matter what you look like? It’s an amazingly powerful feeling to know that I can still accomplish whatever I set out to because of my own abilities. Shockingly, I don’t magically forget everything I’ve learned in life because I have on lip balm not lipstick. Maybe confidence is about the person, not the outfit?

3. Class Is Actually Important

I know! That’s why I would rather review my notes or start looking over the new book chapter than take the time to find the one top that goes perfectly with this cardigan. It’s almost like everyone is paying for college for an education, not a fashion show. I don’t know about your college, but my professors place value on students who show they are serious about the subject matter and building the skills to succeed in the professional world. Those are the students who get letters of recommendation. I highly doubt a dedicated student would lose out to one who curled their hair every day. Also no one in their right mind would ever show up to an interview looking like a “bum”, come on now.

4. Unfortunately, People do Judge a Book by its Cover

Cool, I don’t care and neither should you. I don’t plan on spending the time and effort to please people who don’t want to know me as a person but chose to judge me for my appearance. I’ll just focus on my studies and they can waste their time on making ridiculous assumptions about classmates. Also, those don’t really sound like people I would want as future co-workers, so I guess I’m better off getting ahead academically. They’ll feel bad about judging their future boss eventually.

5. You’ll Always Feel “On”

Do you feel off? I’m confused. Why do I have to look cute in order to bump into an ex or talk to a professor? I’m far more likely to strike up a conversation because….I need to have a conversation. Clearly an ex is an ex for a reason, so why do I care if I forgot the hairspray? And again, in college for an education, so I don’t think my professor is going to refuse my question over my lack of heels.

6. You Can Use It as an Outlet to Express Yourself

EXACTLY! So why are you telling me how to express myself? Listen you do you girl. I would never try to tell anyone how to express themselves so you should stop telling me. I love that you look cute for class every day. That’s great and I would probably stalk the heck out of your Pinterest board for inspiration! But back off everyone else, okay?

7. You’ll Look Less Lazy

I think our definitions of lazy are different. Yes I wear leggings to class but I have yet to wear my polar bear pajama pants. What exactly are you wearing to bed? Lazy would be not going to class at all. As long as my clothes are clean, teeth are brushed and deodorant has been applied, I am ready for the day.

8. Gym Clothes Were Meant For the Gym

Okay and? What if I just came from the gym or I’m going there after class? What if I have sports practice? Or maybe I’m on the dance team or a dance major or I’m involved in an intermural. It sounds like you’re being one of those judgmental classmates we talked about earlier. Maybe instead of wondering why a classmate is in gym clothes, you should wonder what the professor just said. Or just accept that you don’t know what’s going on in all of your classmates’ lives and they could have a very good reason for wearing gym clothes (because they want to).

9. It’s Just as Easy to Put On Jeans as it is Sweats

First off, no it’s not. Second, what brand jeans do you wear? Sweats are insanely comfortable and also much warmer than jeans. Regardless, why does it matter? I don’t think my choice in pants is having that much of an effect on my classmates, other than making them jealous because I’m cozy for this lecture and they’re freezing.

Again you do you girl. But I don’t have money to do a little shopping, I spent my money on textbooks. And I’m sure a lot of my classmates have done the same. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what you, I or anyone else wears to class because class is about learning and education. So go forth each day with your best self forward, regardless of what shoe you’re wearing. Because you make your future, not your clothes.

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