Next Steps To Building The Women's Movement
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Next Steps To Building The Women's Movement

Strikes Nationwide May 1st, But More Support Needed

Next Steps To Building The Women's Movement
Katie Randall

Millions have marched, a relatively high percentage of the US population, plus millions of people from around the world. The Polish government, a few months ago, put out a proposal to ban all abortions, and the next day literally millions of women in Poland and other parts of the world were out in the street marching in solidarity and demanding an end to that bill. And yes, the following week it was nonexistent. This is a golden example of the potential of movements and the actions on the ground. These type of actions have been happening globally, especially since the onset of the historic Trump administration, which in its first week put out more executive orders, all highly damaging, than the entire Obama administration did in 8 years! Through the ongoing conversations on these events, it is important to remind ourselves as activists that not only do we need to be on the defensive in movements and demands, like stopping an abortion ban, but be fighting on the offensive side also: demanding an expansion of reproductive rights for women, for a 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, for an end to stop-and-frisk, among others. Recently, there have been actions in support of women around the world and effectively keeping Trump from issuing an executive order on say, banning abortion. These events include I Stand With Planned Parenthood counter-protesting in the past few months, Women’s Marches November 12, rallies and strikes for International Women’s Day March 8th, and more planned for the future.

Additionally, I think it is important to bring up the point that has been circulating around leftist news sources and even the Washington Post that the women’s strikes of the 8th were considered by some as elitist. There is a lot to say here. First of all, yes, I would agree that it is fundamentally easier for white and richer women and families to participate in days of striking, days of marches, days of rallies, for the cause. It makes sense that only a family that could afford extra help with children, with meals, of a day of missed work, or to continue to be hired, should participate in the action at all. This is a point that was reminded to the American people. The US historically has not had many general strikes, it has not been part of the global general strike timeline for decades. The American society has forgotten the potential power of general strikes, we don’t know what to do. So, I would say add support. When families can collaborate with each other, donations can be made, when people and groups give their resources to others so they can all participate, or especially so the most oppressed women and probably poorer woman can participate. Unions are actually created to strike like this, which is why people pay union dues. With the strengthening of unions, support for general strikes can get better, and movements will become longer and healthier all around. Don’t be afraid to talk to more people involved in activism work, with whatever your aim is, it is empowering personally and educational to share ideas on how to best fight back against the Trump administration. It will be easier it is to collaborate with other people on events when there is a better line of communication between different groups that try to do activism work.

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